[h1]Gren Orchid vs Indigo Kafka[/h1] In all honesty, Indi wasn't very invested in most of the matches. He halfheartedly watched them all, and congratulated the victor with lethargic claps. The only two he was even remotely watching was Seibs, and that was mainly because they were teammates, and a little of the Priscilla Vs. Rayna fight, when Prisc was held upside down. He hadn't stopped eating for the Prisc upskirt one, though. Anyways, he was finally up to bat, so to speak. As his feet hit the arena floor, he stared down his opponent. "Gren, huh?" He said, moving his mask back into place. "Well, Goliath? Meet David." He taunted, motioning for Gren to make the first move, or comment if necessary. Gren stepped into the arena with The God Eater in one hand and a bouquet of cowslip in the other. He had collected them a little while ago between the matches for his opponent. [color=00a651]"Honor to face you, David. And my condolences."[/color] Closing his helmet Gren opened the first attack by tossing the bouquet into the air towards Indigo. And before the flowers would hit the ground Gren was already revving up The God Eater, using it's Destruction form. And just as the flowers were level between Gren and Indigo, he unleashed a storm of bullets at his opponent. Indi snickered to himself as his opponent brought flowers onto the stage. Sure, he acted as if he wasn't serious, but these matches were important to him. Everyone could see if he won or lost, how good he was. His abilities and his technique, and he wanted to put on a great show. Gren replied to his joke with one of his own, before preparing an attack. Was he so stupid as to think his opponent couldn't hear the barrel spinning? He was using a freaking minigun! And sure, the weapon was loud and predictable, but there was an issue; His barriers was predictable if used like a shield. So, he had gotten used to using them in more creative ways. Indi created a barrier at an angle in front of him, slanted enough to allow an easy ascent. Upon his invisible mountain, he laid on the pressure with a spray of bullets at his opponent. "My, my, such a big and heavy weapon. Compensating for something, Goliath?" He said, as the beautiful yellow flowers below him were shredded, and he attempted to lay waste to his opponent in a similar manner. "And suck a dirty trick, fooling your foe with pretty flowers. At least come on to me when we're not beating each other into the ground!" Of course simply gunning down Indigo wasn't going to work, but at least now Gren had his weapon revved and shooting. Gren was largely unaffected by the hail of bullets. To him it may as well have been a water droplets. Okay, maybe more like hail. A light hail. [color=00a651]"Trying to give me a shower?"[/color] Gren said jokingly. Gren could also see his bullets deflecting off of nothing and could deduce that Indigo had some sort of barrier based aura. So a direct approach was going to be a waste of time. So Gren decided to go from above. He continued to fire The God Eater, but aimed towards the ground. Than he jumped. Without his feet being firmly planted on the floor Gren allowed the recoil of The God Eater to propel him skywards and above Inidgo. He didn't stop until he reached the top, where he planted his feet on the ceiling and continued to rai his bullets down at Indigo. He didn't even need to use his Semblance to hold him in place, as the sheer force of the bullets being shot out by The God Eater put enough pressure on Gren to push him against the downward force of gravity. Indi was surprised, to say the least, when Gren had simply shrugged off his bullets. But his surprise quickly turned into anger when his opponent insulted his weapons. He was fair game, but Cia and Lana? No, you did not fuck with them. As Indi felt his rage slowly build, Gren seemed to realize his approach wasn't working. Indi stared, slightly slack-jawed as Gren fired at the ground, then used his minigun as a jetpack. Okay, that was awesome. What wasn't awesome was that Gren now had the advantage, firing a bullet storm down at his hapless foe. Fine, looked like this was going to be a battle of the wits, as well as brute strength. Indi started ascending to the ceiling, using his barriers as platforms. He did get clipped with a stray bullet or two, but the small chip to his aura only managed to add to his slow burning fury. As Indi finally made it close enough to his opponent, he jumped off of an angled barrier, launching himself at his opponent and slashing vigorously in an attempt to knock him down and even the playing field. Gren didn't let up, but as he saw Indigo jump his way towards him Gren knew that this was going to become an inevitable melee. He smiled underneath his helmet as he changed he kept on shooting, even as he saw most of his bullets being dodged or deflected. It wasn't long before Indigo finally managed to get close enough to try to engage him in melee, and Gren responded in kind. Just as Inidgo jumped to slash at Gren he too jumped at Indigo, grabbing him around the arms. That's when Gren activated his Friction Semblance on Indigo to ensure that he didn't escape. Even though Gren would have to take a few blows, now both he and Indigo were on a free fall back to the arena. It was Gren's intention to slam and crush Indigo between the floor and his own body, relying on his own durability to also survive the decent. And Gren never stopped shooting. To quicken their already fast fall Gren now aimed The God Eater towards the ceiling, breaking away parts of the roof while using the recoil to push them towards the ground even faster. The loud roar of The God Eater made it nearly impossible to hear anything. As Indi launched himself at Gren he was surprised that Gren too wanted to get in a close ranged brawl. As soon as Indi got a hit off though, he was restrained by Gren's larger physique. The tight grasp made him blush a tad, but more importantly they were rocketing straight towards the floor like a sack full of bowling balls. He gasped as tried he kick and slash and shoot at his foe to no use, he just wouldn't let go. As the two slammed into the ground he felt a lot of pain; His aura was cut dangerously low by that incredible attack. If he took one more good hit, he was a goner. That didn't matter anymore though, he was pissed. That was a dirty trick, and he was not losing to a no-good cheater! "Play fair, asshole!" He screamed as he put an incredible amount of strength for a boy his size into a kick aimed to send Gren off of him and onto the floor, where he could be easily curb stomped until his face was a fine pudding. Gren just gritted his teeth upon landing on the floor. That definitely hurt, but his aura was holding out so far. At least, he was somewhat certain his aura level was higher than Indigo's. After the crash Gren could feel Indigo trying to kick him off, and Gren figured this would be a good time to disengage. Gren left Indigo push him off so he could land a bit away and onto his feet. Before he touched down he also switched The God Eater into it's Terror Form. [color=00a651]"A fair fight huh? Than come and get me."[/color] Just as he did that however Gren stomped his foot onto the ground to channel his Semblance into a large area around him. He manipulated the Friction between the floor and anything that came into contact with it, such as Indigo's feet. Specifically, he chose to make it so that if Indigo entered the area his feet couldn't create friction with the floor. Gren readied The God Eater for Indigo's inevitable charge, ready to intercept him once he comes barreling towards the orc. All the while Gren was keeping count on the timer. [color=00a651]"Two minutes..."[/color] As Indi hopped up and aimed his weapons back at Gren he was surprised by how much his back hurt. Sure he had adrenaline to help him through what was going down now, but it still hurt a lot. Note to self, don't get hit with that "atomic suplex" attack, as he nicknamed it. Anyways, he rushed at his enemy, triggers held, before slipping on nothing and falling flat on his face. He quickly placed a barrier in between himself and Gren for protection, and flopped his body so there was enough space so he could also place a barrier on the floor. getting up off the friction-less floor and onto his newly formed barricade. "And you lubed the floor? Asshole..." He growled. He then, in one swift motion, jumped at Gren with guns blazing, and released his barriers. Once he was close enough to Gren, he placed a barrier in front of the ChainAxe (I thought it was a minigun?) and aimed at his throat. His stabs and slashes were vicious, and one would honestly think there was intent to kill behind those attempts. Sure enough Indigo slipped up when he tried to charge at Gren, but he was smart enough to use his barriers to stop before he slid to his doom. [i][color=00a651]"Those barriers are going to be a nuisance..."[/color][/i] Seeing that attack wasn't going to work out Gren shifted into a different stance where he had The God Eater resting on his back. Indigo jumped at him guns blazing, forcing Gren to block his face with his free arm. When Indigo engaged him in melee Gren was able to defend his neck well enough, waiting for Indigo to commit himself fully into the assault. All the while Gren changed The God Eater back into it's Destroyer form. [color=00a651]"One minute!"[/color] Gren said through gritted teeth. He needed to finish this in the next attack. Right when he felt one of Indigo's blade hit the armor near his neck, Gren shot his hand out to grab Indigo's chest. Gren couldn't get as solid of a hold as he could last time, so he had to put his full power into his Friction Semblance in order to maintain grip. The friction between Gren's hand and Indigo's chest was so tight you'd think they were fused together. [color=00a651]"It's over!"[/color] Gren than unleashed a slavvo from The God Eater. He opened up first by unleashing a cloud of fire, engulfing both fighters in flames. Than as Gren let The God Eater rev up he also shot off a rocket at his own feet, damaging them both and sending them into the air. And last but not least, Gren fired the main gun on The God Eater, once more using it's recoiling to propel them through the air. Gren and Indigo, now both on fire, were flying straight back towards the ceiling where Gren can do another "Atomic Suplex". His fingers dug into Indigo's chest, partly to hurt him, mostly so he doesn't drop Indigo before he slams him back onto the ground. Indigo's breath hitched as he was grabbed by the chest, but that didn't mean his slashes let up. At least, they didn't until he had set them both on fire. The intense heat was barely shielded from him by his now close to breaking point aura. Then he was launched into the air by a rocket, along with Gren. A hasty, risky, and over all bad idea by Gren. Oddly enough, Gren tried the same thing as before, just less effective. Through the pain of the fire, it was harder to concentrate, but Indi was still able to stop them both before they fully hit the ground. Through gritted teeth he growled like a caged animal as he fought against the pressure of the minigun and, to a lesser extent, gravity to stay strong and keep his barrier up. Indi looked Gren straight in the eye, and attempted to essentially saw Gren's arm off with his hatchets, stabbing and slashing and unrelentingly attacking the arm in a last-ditch effort to get Gren off of him. This Atomic Drop would kill him if he didn't. "So repetitive. You act as if I'm some kind of fool!" [color=00a651]"Raaaah!"[/color] Gren could only roar as he could feel Indigo's blades cutting into his arm. He was using so much of his aura to maintain a hold onto Indigo that he was now relying on his natural durability to hold together. But over the sound of The God Eater, he caught a bit of what Indigo taunted to him about. [color=00a651]"Repetitive? You haven't seen nothing yet!"[/color] He was at the end fo his rope, but this was where he needed to finish it. As the two rocketed towards the ceiling, Gren lifted Indigo above him. Before he'd take him down, Gren was going to try to break through the roof, with Indigo between them. [i][color=00a651]Twenty eight, twenty seven, twenty six![/color][/i] Gren wasn't even sure what his aura levels were at this point. He just needed to hit the ceiling before the next twenty seconds, and then drop. His arm was buckling, wearing thinner by the second. It was a race to see what happens first; Gren's arm getting cut off, or Indigo getting slammed into the ceiling. As Indi absolutely destroyed Gren's arm, Gren shouted something Indi didn't even bother processing, before shifting gears and instead trying to launch them towards the ceiling. Now his barriers were useless. No matter where they hit now, his aura would fail, and Gren wasn't yielding under all the stabs. He'd lose, unless... Indi decided to try something incredibly risky. He was going to try and separate himself from Gren's grasp with a barrier between Gren's hand, and Indi's chest. He'd never done this 'in the field', and he hoped like hell it'd work. He focused his mind, and all the screaming and the bullets and the fire, it all melted away. With an incredible feat of will and strength, he separated the two of them, slightly clipping Gren's aura, and hopefully glove, with the barrier. As he placed another barrier to stop his fall, his brain started to pound, and his aura started to wear thin. A headache set in, and his vision blurred. If he ever tried doing that again in such a short span of time without proper rest, he'd surely get an aneurysm or something. With a sigh he rubbed his head with the back of his hand again. "When is Ms. Goodwitch going to call this damn match?" He asked halfheartedly. [color=00a651]"Ten... Nine... Eight..."[/color] Gren could only count the seconds as his hand was obliterated. He never let go of Indigo, trying with all his might to maintain his grip. Gren didn't want to let go, but his body could only hold out for so long. As Gren's hand was destroyed and subsequently lost his hold on Indigo, the best Gren could have done was clip Indigo as he rocket towards the ceiling. Gren hit the roof with a crash, causing a cloud of dust and debris to break out. [color=00a651]"Five... No!"[/color] By the time both the boys landed the match was over. Gren, despite damage sustained, had a stable aura level. His armor was dented and scarred but that was because he had diverted his Aura into his Semblance most of the time, allowing himself to take the live fire in to maintain Aura levels. He had his stumped hand tucked into his armpit to hide it, not wanting anyone, specifically his allies, to see his injury. Gren got onto his feet and put The God Eater onto his back before turning to Glynda. [color=00a651]"Who won?"[/color] "Time is up. With that, the duel is concluded. It seems we have a tie. You both fought well, though if you could tone down your language, Mr. Kafka..." Indi gasped in astonishment as the winners were announced. They both won? He couldn't say he was happy with his results, but at least he didn't lose. Right now, he was to tired to be mad. With a bit of trouble, he hopped back onto the arena floor and looked at Gren. "That was good, I guess. Sorry for calling you a cheater and all that, I just get really pissed off during fights. That slippery floor thing was just your semblance, right? If so, creative use. Wouldn't mind sparring with you again. Also, nice technique with the grab drop thing, that was sweet." He rambled, while putting his weapons back on his waist. His opponent was good, and he hoped they worked together long enough so he could out class him. He raised his fist for a fist bump as a sign of respect, before noticing that Gren was hiding the hand Indi had tried to murder. Indi suddenly got very nervous as his mind ran through how it had happened last time. "N-no..." he muttered. He put his fist down and stepped a little away from Gren. "Uh, anyways, I'm, uh- you want me to walk you to the infirmary? You look like you need it, hel-heck, heck I think I do too." Indi stuttered, taking heed of Ms. Goodwitch's comment about his cursing. He did that stupid little laugh he always did when he was nervous, and placed himself under Gren as a support, and wrapped an arm around his victim. "Let's go, partner!" He pleaded. [color=00a651]"A tie?"[/color] Gren couldn't really believe it. Honestly, he had thought that under the technicalities, Indigo might have won. Gren thrashed him quite a bit, but since Indigo was still standing he should have won for being the closest to defeat. But perhaps now it was Gren who underestimating his opponent. Indigo approached much more relaxed this time, complimenting Gren on his technique and apologizing for accusing Gren of cheating. [color=00a651]"Thanks. I'll admit it was... Cheap. Not really a flashy fighter to be honest."[/color] Lifting the visor from his face Gren took a deep breath only to wince. He had to make the conscience effort not to feel pain from his obliterated hand. Indigo suddenly got very close to Gren, putting his arm around his massive frame. Indigo wanted to take Gren to the infirmary but he slipped out. [color=00a651]"Thanks, but... I'll take care of this myself... I'll be back, don't worry about me."[/color] Activating his Semblance Gren made a quick exit out of the arena, heading back to his dorm. He needed to get one of his replacement hands.