Dimitri shook his head as he walked, his expression growing somber, "[b]I've had my fill of pain. Enough to last me a lifetime man.[/b]" he said as he seemed to drift off somewhere for a few seconds. It was brief, but it almost appeared as though Dimitri were heavily depressed, however in a flash the look was gone and replaced once more by his smiling visage, "[b]But, that's enough about me, the important thing is getting this one to the infirmary.[/b]". Once more returning his attention to Molly, Dimitri ducked down a bit and tried to shift his weight to make things easier for Molly, noting the fact that she was giving Ryan a pretty baleful glare, "[b]C'mon now, don't sweat it. Save your energy for walking rather than getting angry. We're only a few yards away now.[/b]". Just as he stated, the med bay was only nine yards away now, and already Dimitri was fretting even more over what kind of damage he'd find out he'd done to one of his fellow classmates.