[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e6/74/dd/e674dd98a68dc8fb8a0b5f9f8d424988.jpg[/img] Character name: Dr Jack Thomas Criminal?:Yes Convicted for: Breaking the Genetics Laws with the use of Human DNA in a chimera entity. Species: Human Gender: Male Sexual orientation: Bisexual Age: 28 Height: 6'4" Weight: 195 Apparel: He wears the outfit in his picture when in his lab or not on a mission. [hider=REsearch armor] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/253/f/c/space_scientist_concept_by_5ofnovember-d6lrt7a.jpg[/img] ((Only the left one.)) [/hider] Weapons: He has a pistol that he does not often use. It is more for show. Equipment: He keeps a data-pad on his arm that he can use to manipulate his research. However his greatest creation is his chimera entity code named Ernie. He took DNA from different creatures from the colonies and combined them with that of an Earth dog. Ernie has many of the skills of an Earth dog with moderately more strength and speed. No more than a regular dog. He keeps lab stocked with whatever he would need to make a new entity should he need to. The dog is never far from Jack. [hider=Ernie] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2009/350/1/e/future_dog_by_bionicstrength.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=His lab] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/311/0/d/bio_experimental_lab_by_michael_chenlin-d5k98u6.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personal starfighter: None Skills: A master of genetics. He can fix almost any genetic issue that should present itself. He loves a challenge and is very intelligent. Weaknesses: He is vain and can be quite hard headed. He will do anything he has to for his own research. This vanity got him in jail. Powers: No powers. He refuses to use research on himself unless he has to. Personality: Jack is focused on his research only. He prefers his creations over anything else. However he does care for his friends and will do anything to help them. This is why he is here right now. Biography: Jack Thomas was born on the moon of Phobos over Mars. He lived his whole life on the red planet and was amazed by genetics. His parents died when Jack was 18 leaving a seven year old brother to look after. Jack learned everything that he could over his years and eventually was accepted into the Academy of Science on Earth. There he excelled in his field and eventually earned his doctorate as one of the youngest to ever do so at 26. He did his research into Chimera entities for many years and enjoyed it. However one day he tried to save his little brother who was dying of a rare genetic disorder. Seeing this as a sign, Jack took his 17 year old brother into his lab to begin his work. He attempted to save him but he failed and the boy died. Distraught and without hope, he took DNA from the young man and added it to an entity to try and give his brother life that had been denied him. As he did so, he was arrested by the police for breaking one of the main Genetic Laws forbidding human dna being added to non human entities. Jack watched his brother die again because of him. Hopeless, he agreed to join the crew since he had nothing to live for so why care if he died? He created Ernie as a friend and guardian.