[b]Name:[/b] Daniel Woods [b]Appearance:[/b] A middle aged Caucasian man, with unkempt iron grey hair and a constant sullen expression. He is unshaven, and his bloodshot brown eyes suggest sleep is something he doesn't get much of. His fingers are stained yellow from tobacco use, allowing for a flawlessly polished silver wedding ring to stand out more than it perhaps would. Apart from a few fillings further back, his teeth look to be in good shape. He wears an over-the-top floral holiday shirt, something perhaps more fitting in a Hawaii setting. Khaki three-quarter lengths cover the worst of unseen scars that criss-cross his legs, and a pair of simple leather sandals adorn his feet. A leather satchel hangs across his torso, containing various holidaying items. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Occupation:[/b] Unemployed, former General Practitioner. [b]Nationality:[/b] United Kingdom [b]Personality:[/b] Daniel is a reclusive individual, who has suddenly thrown himself into the giant jaws of life. Avoiding human interaction, whilst at the same time seeking it, is a paradox that drives most of his relationships into the gutter. He likes his drink, and has little care for his well-being, which often causes him to engage in erratic and senseless behaviour. [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Daniel had a successful life. Always a bright pupil with an insatiable curiosity for all things, he grew up to become a doctor. Passing one exam after another, and garnishing himself with several qualifications, it wasn't long before he ran his own surgery in a quiet Cambridgeshire village. Throughout his youth and humble beginnings, he'd had his flings and flames. However, it wasn't until the young and attractive Miss Chloe Parks walked into his surgery one day, asking about the vacant receptionist job, that he truly fell in love. The feeling was mutual, and they married a year later. Two years after that, Lucy Woods, his only child, was born. In 2011, Chloe was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Several rounds of chemo and radiotherapy were not enough to put the disease down, and a surgical procedure only prolonged the inevitable. She passed away in early 2014, with Daniel at her bedside in some depressing hospice ward. Not one to be put down by things that can't be helped, Daniel took himself and his fourteen year old daughter on a holiday to Hawaii. The idea was to spend a few weeks out there, healing and recuperating after the tragedy. Alas, Godzilla's appearance put Daniel's life under a magnifying glass. Trying to leave Honolulu in the height of the chaos, Daniel and Lucy's cab was struck by a panicked fire-engine. She died instantly, along with the driver. Daniel himself was locked in the wreckage for several hours, unable to move as his legs had been impaled by twisted metal. ... Fast forward two years, and Daniel is a wreck. Alcohol rules his days, along with a few helpings of narcotics. He lost his surgery not long after Lucy's funeral, and has wallowed in self-pity ever since. Concerned friends approached him, and offered to send him off somewhere for a year - fully paid - to try and get to grips with his life. He conceded, and after spinning a globe and stopping it with a finger, randomly picked out Japan. And now here he is. [b]Location:[/b] Tokyo, drunk and disorientated. He couldn't even tell you what district he's in.