*turns into John Cena* *smashes a table with his fist* OKAY YOU LITTLE BITCHES! WE NEED TO HAVE A TALK! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT DARK MAGIC ISN'T ACTUALLY EVIL?!?!?! THERE IS NO ASPECT OF DARK MAGIC WHICH IS EVEN SLIGHTLY WICKED! IT IS NOT A SIN FOR A SHADE TO USE DARK MAGIC. Also, an update for anyone who decided to already write their first post; I would advise against this, as there's going to be three main starting points that I have yet to describe. We're going to start in Juvegol, Maceron, and Capital City. I have yet to tell you what these cities look like, and while I normally would do it now, I can't really because I need to finish hella sheets before the rp begins.