[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/44/72/71/447271be8af36fd491cba3290fe08ce2.jpg[/img] [h1]Drew Knight[/h1][/center] [b]Criminal:[/b] Yes [b]Convicted For:[/b] Illegal modification of civilian craft/weapons and running illegal cybernetics operation as well as multiple black market trades. [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual orientation:[/b] Homosexual [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Height:[/b] 5'9" [b]Weight:[/b] 160 lbs [b]Apparel:[/b] Drew wears a form-fitting grey and black uniform, a large tool belt with just about every standard issue tool in the book as well as several specialized and some primitive tools, even. On top of this, he's usually wearing his mechanic grieves. Drew isn't one to leave the (relative) safety of the ship. He's a talented engineer who devotes his time to making sure everything continues working. That said, when the situation calls for it, he has military issue light combat armor (also in grey and black) which is fully sealed and capable of supplying oxygen. [b]Weapons:[/b] A modified standard issue M-488 pistol. This pistol is known to be prone to overheating issues while being an otherwise accurate and reliable model. Drew has dramatically increased the efficiency of the heatsink of his particular M-488. [b]Equipment:[/b] With his love for tech in general, Drew didn't pass up on dabbling in cybernetics. He not only has optic implants of his own design which allow for telemicroscopic vision as well as full spectrum heat maps. He's also got a standard in-ear communications implant, and a pheromone implant which secretes synthetic pheromones to elicit a pleasurable response. Other than that, he has a pair of grieves which essentially function as jetpacks or just propulsion in zero grav for any maintenance that would require them. [b]Personal Starfighter:[/b] None. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Engineer -[/b] Drew is an extremely talented technician in almost every field of tech. Weapons, engines, cores, starships, ground vehicles, cybertech, etc, you name it. if you have a problem and provide him enough time, he can probably fix it. [b]Pheromones -[/b] In short, he almost permanently smells [b]really good[/b], even despite spending most of his time sweating in an engineering bay. While Drew isn't the most charming of people, he's certainly alluring. With an implant constantly secreting pheromones which typically receive pleasurable responses in the species around him at any given time, he's usually received friendlier than he deserves in social situations. Originally implanted to get better deals while black market trading, he's never removed it since, finding that he gets in far less confrontations after it was implanted. [b]Telemicroscopic Vision/Full Heat Map - [/b] This implant was meant for engineering work that took ludicrous amounts of finesse and attention to detail. When something's gone wrong with a piece of equipment, his optical implant will usually help him spot it so long as he has a general idea of the problem. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Doesn't tolerate people talking down on him. He's also very argumentative when it comes to any tech subject that he's pretty sure he knows more about. [b]Powers:[/b] None [b]Personality:[/b] Usually fairly calm and collected, he's got a soft spot for sarcastic and dry wit humor. Drew takes "treat those how you want to be treated" to a tee. If you're respectful of him he'll reciprocate in kind. If you're a dick to him, expect to receive plenty of back talk. He's super excitable when it comes to new technology or modifications. [b]Background:[/b] Humble beginnings is honestly the best way to describe Drew's childhood. He was born outside of Earth's Solar System on Epsilon Eridani b. There, he grew up with his parents and his older brother Paul. His father was a simple mechanic running a repair shop for civilian craft, and while Paul took to completely different areas of study, Drew took to mechanics almost like second nature from an early age. His father let him come into the workshop from time to time, and Drew with a constant hunger for improvement quickly became a fairly competent mechanic as early as 12. That drive for improvement never stopped and soon, Drew knew enough to begin engineering his own parts. He dreamed of a higher education and working with tech for the rest of his life, but with his father too poor to afford schooling, Drew did what he could with textbooks and any information he could find on the extranet. Armed with more knowledge, he stretched into other tech and worked on navigation systems, ship body mods and dabbled in a little cybertech. His father, simultaneously impressed as well as proud brought Drew on as a full employee in his early teens, and within their small colony Drew became a source of rumor. Not only could this kid fix just about any craft in a heartbeat, he could [u]improve it.[/u] And beyond that, he could fix just about anything. These rumors eventually drew the attention of executives at several vehicle companies, and he was hailed as a child prodigy. At the age of 16, his dream of higher education was fulfilled, and Drew took a full ride scholarship to a prestigious engineering academy based on Earth. In his first year, he already proved himself more capable than a large portion of the entire school's population. And beyond that, his thirst for knowledge and improvement lead him to take classes in just about every area of tech imaginable. While most people were declaring their majors and joining a specialized field, Drew felt stuck, unable to commit to any specific kind of tech. And while most people would feel stretched thin, Drew only became a more proficient engineer, both digital and mechanical. To him, Technology and it's advancement was basically an unlimited source of power. Who needed an alien race's telepathy when one could essentially do the same with a communication chip? At 19, he left the academy. Not because he had failed, but because he felt the academy was only stifling his growth. He got back in contact with his brother, who was now a trained surgeon and proposed the idea of offering cybernetics implants, which they'd have to run underground at first with no funding, but would eventually pay off. And pay off it did. Not only in cash, but illegal tech proved to be a much more fulfilling endeavor for Drew to undertake. Soon, their augmentation services became popular in the criminal underworld. But Drew didn't stop there, he eventually took it to modifying the bodies of civilian vehicles with dangerous instruments, modifying navigational systems to disallow any kind of outside tracking, illegally modifying civilian grade engine cores, you name it. This continued for another ten years before he was caught after essentially dropping off of the grid for a while. And while he normally would have been complacent in his punishment, his brother Paul, who he'd taken along for the ride was also convicted for the rest of his lifetime in prison. It was only a week before he was approached and offered participation in the Oblivion Squad. In return his brother would be set free, and upon completion of the mission, should he actually return, his freedom as well.