Dothren walked into his study, and was greeted by the slight smell of death. Closing the large black oak door slowly, he pulled out his sword, the silver that detailed the dark blade shined in the moonlight. He may not always have is armor on in his own guildhall, but his sword never left his side. Looking around the room. The window door to the balcony was open, along with a few other windows. Letting the moonlight flow into the room Moving slowly to the middle of the room. The Paperwork he left on his desk seemed to have been shuffled, and the iron bands he had made seemed to be gone. [i]Who has been in here.[/i] The thought lingered in his mind for a moment before he turned to see his robed friend. It's hood still covering his head and face. A sigh escaped from Dothren as he lowered his black and sliver sword. [i]"Why do you feel the need to sneak about like that?"[/i] The figure only stood there with only its raspy breathing to fill the silence. A decaying hand extended itself holding the bands. Taking them from the robe,[i]"Why do you have those, and why aren't you saying anything? [/i] The figure walked past Dothren, and towards the balcony. A black smoke pooling out of it as he reaches the railing. Taking the the hood off and turning, [i]"I love you nephew. "[/i] The figure is enveloped in smoke and dissipates as Lentus opens the door.