[h3][color=ed1c24]Kojiro [/color][/h3] Kojiro saw the wind pickup around the man, expanding slightly. Kojiro was still weary of being touched by the man after seeing what he had done to his Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave. He hopped slightly, landing on top of the circles that had been stopped by his earth technique, then bounded off them hard to the right, giving himself a bit more distance from them as he bounded the right. Then something peculiar happened. He felt a profound emptiness around the area. Their battle had scared away, or killed, any wildlife that had been around, and now Zume's serenity and killing intent left, leaving him alone it felt like. For a minute he thought he'd killed the man with his killing intent, with a heart attack or the like, but then he realized the man was still there, especially as he spoke, seemingly right next to him though he felt nothing. Zume was there, and yet.... he was not. Kojiro had the oddest sensation that he was looking over a precipice by looking at this man... He no longer felt emotion, even with his sage mode ramping up his latent ability to feel them. For a minute, he felt concern that he could not feel the man anymore, then that turned to excitement. Once again, it would be nothing but his skill that could possibly lead him through the day. [color=ed1c24]"I accept your analogy, afterall even an insect may be venomous enough to kill, and if I have bitten where I am able, and scamper off before you can step on me, what would happen I imagine?" [/color] Kojiro landed 90 from where he had been, and swung upwardly with his Nodachi, cutting through the ground below him, and yet no ground was touched, the blade of his Nodachi instead disappated as it touched the ground, spreading to the wind, continuing the long blade until it had entirely vanished, with Kojiro holding with his hands nothing but a handle into the air. He watched as Zume's new shell cut a tree almost effortlessly. [color=ed1c24]"My friend, if you wish to live, surrender now, and do not walk a single step more. I have come to quite like you during this little skirmish, and now I have to say, give up. I feel like I'm staring at a precipice staring at you, but I do not fear for I have bridged many before."[/color]