[b][i][u]GM NOTICE! RP PAUSED![/u][/i][/b] [@DiamondBlizzard] and I need to have a talk about some stuff for the RP and I can't seem to contact him. Until he does, I'm using my authority as Co-GM to pause the RP to minimize the damage he's wrought upon my company. [b]EDIT:[/b] It seems @DiamondBlizzard has been doing the calculations in a certain manner; I originally wrote the RP rules some time ago, and intended calculations to be done in a different manner. As such, we have a question to ask the players. [@Durandal] [@NoobCW] Should calculations be: 1) The combined total of every marketing campaign? (i.e. if you market 5 large marketing campaigns your total sales get a 250% boost?) This has the disadvantage that players who gain a lead will keep that lead, necessitating "cheap" negative GM events to reduce the ridiculous amount of sales. 2) Set up so each region is treated as a separate release of the game with separate advertizing that pools into a global total. This will reduce the effects of advertizing boosts and remove the need for constant game-balancing via GM events, but will increase the complexity of the RP greatly (especially for the GM). Your input is appreciated! Once both of you have weighed in, the system chosen will begin being used. Until then, the RP is paused until further notice.