[img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/imgly_production/946798/large.jpg[/img] Name: Pandora Lockhart Age: 17 Gender: Female Abilities: [indent]-Enhanced agility, speed, and flexibility[/indent] [indent]-Enhanced strength and defense [/indent] How you could work in a team: Pandora is an all around fighter type. She is suited for almost any combat role. Personality: Pandora doesn't show emotions. She remains a balk slate. Her family claimed that she was missing something human about her. History: Pandora has always been a problem child. In fact when her parents were trying to name her they found that Pandora just kept bringing about destruction, so they named her Pandora. But growing up there was something different about Pandora. Her expression never seemed to change. She never showed fear, pain, joy, sadness. She had never shed or tear or smiled. But, she destroyed anything and everything she could get her hands on. Her strength and agility were soon noticed as Pandora could break almost anything and seemed to never get hit by anything. As Pandora got older she started destroying objects less and less though she did start getting into fights. Thankfully, Pandora doesn't normally attack unprovoked. Other: Pandora is extremely tall, and can look down on most people. Her powers are extremely strong.