[b]Zade Magnus[/b] Zade Magnus was at his desk drinking coffee in the news center. The news center was a large skyscraper in the middle of the city square. It typically showed colorful advertisements to the people walking or driving by the city center, which was the hub of many activities. Now that the cities preferred not to wage war, things have gotten quiet. But possibly too quiet. Zade started to feel anxious about his job and what the future might hold for him. His printer started to print wirelessly from someone else's office. Zade got a text from someone just then. He realized it was his boss. "hey z, heres your story for tonight. they got those new rabbit things coming out on the market and they paid us well to have it featured. your on in 30" Zade sighed and thought to himself. If this guy wasn't his boss, he would have tought him a thing or two about capitalization and the difference between you're and your. Zade hated technology and felt like it was dumbing down society. He put down his coffee and picked up his papers to skim over it. Then he headed down to the recording studio nervously fixing his tie. Just because he's been speaking on TV for years didn't mean he was any more comfortable with it. The thought of speaking to millions of people was harder than actually doing it. He just needed that red recording light on before he could be that confident reporter.