[@ShadowVentus] Upon hearing a voice spoken above her, Autumn looked up. She was barely able to make out a extremely blurry face and she wasn't able to recognize who it was. Her hand stretched out, fumbling in the air for a moment before her fingers bumped into the object being held out to her. To her delight she recognized the shape of her glasses. She cleaned the lenses and perched them back onto her nose, pleased to find that everything seemed to be in one piece. She was glad they hadn't been stepped on or worse. Looking up she was finally able to see who her glasses's rescuer was. It was Michael. She gave him a small smile as she climbed to her feet. [color=violet]"T-Thank you."[/color] she uttered quietly, attention drawn down to her scraped palms. It wasn't too bad and didn't seemed to be bleeding. Her knees however were another matter. Some skin was missing and blood was trickling down her legs. To top it off her stockings were torn. Darn it. She liked those leggings.