After Robert's own fight was concluded, he was much more involved with watching the other matches. He would create bets in his head of who he thought would win and would cheer that person on. Eventually though, it was time for Priscilla's match. He watched in confusion as Priscilla and Rayna went back-and-forth forfeiting. Finally though the match picked up again and Robert went right back to cheering his teammate on. With every blow Priscilla landed he would shout his excitement and with every blow done against her he would shout his disapproval. Then the unthinkable, or at least what Robert believed was unthinkable, occurred as she was lifted high into the air. He couldn't believe Priscilla's opponent could be so ruthless as to do something like that. At least she apologized for the incident but Robert couldn't help but worry for how Priscilla was taking it. As she returned to her seat, he approached her and asked, "Hey, are you alright?"