[center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb1m154ll41rtazju.gif[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Piper Harrison [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b] Personality:[/b] Piper comes off as a relaxed, laidback girl who gets along with everyone, but in reality she is simply fake. Piper is a lost girl who has no idea where she is going, who she is, and where she fits in the world. She is constantly overcome with a depression over her seemingly useless existence. Insecure, she does not think she is worth anybody’s time and throws herself around, letting herself be used by anyone just for a moment of attention. She has had many bad relationships where she has been abused, used, and thrown away; maybe her insecurity was a consequence or the cause. After a bad near-death experience where her sister died, she realized how fragile human life is and how un-worth it is and she now has a careless attitude regarding her own life. Piper is an overall honest person and is horrible at lying; she believes that the truth is the best course of action. [b]Appearance: [/b]Piper is around 5’6” and is extremely pale. She is not super skinny nor is she overweight, simply average. Her natural hair color is brown, but she dyes it a vibrant red. Her eyes a light blue and her lips are naturally pink. Her nose is her least attractive feature, resembling the beak of beak of a bird. [b]Tether:[/b] After dying for six seconds and bonding with her sister’s spirit, she can now see the supernatural and is able to communicate with her sister’s ghost. [b]Ability:[/b] Piper is able to tell if someone is lying because she gets a tingly feeling in her gut when someone lies to her. Talents: Piper has sharp senses other than her eyes: she can instantly know what a material is if she touches it, know what a smell is if it is strong enough, and can instantly know a food when she eats it. This only works if she has experience the smell/material/food before. She also has a talent for the violin [b]Recent history:[/b] A few months ago, Piper and her older sister, Bo, were driving when they were hit by a drunk driver. Bo died, leaving the family heartbroken. Piper was close to death and her heart stopped for six seconds. In those six seconds, Piper communicated with Bo’s spirit and they formed a spiritual bond. Bo did not want to move on and clamped onto Piper’s spirit, officially haunting her. After Piper’s heart started beating again, she went into a coma for three weeks. When she awoke and learned of Bo’s death, she figured out that everything she thought she dreamed while in a coma was real and she continues to see Bo to this day.