How was the Queen not saying anything to Shu about how he was eating? Or T'charrl's dad for that matter? If anyone else was eating like that they'd probably be thrown out of the dining hall in a heartbeat, and yet there was the little guy literally cramming his mouth full of food. Smiling tightly Takeshi felt a vein pulse in his forehead, his eyebrow twitching as his brother quite clearly began teasing him over it. "I can tell you love eating... I love eating too buddy," he mumbled, closing his eyes and forcing a smile, "But we're at a nice place, so we've got to eat all nice and polite like, okay?" If they didn't and anything was wrong he was going to get it, he just knew it. Glancing over at the Queen nervously he found little solace in the fact she was currently busy, thinking it wouldn't last forever. Leaning over to get closer to Shu the older boy reached over, trying to pinch Shu's nose as a sign of his annoyance. "You'll have to work real hard at it, you know, and do exactly what I say. If we don't do it right our plants might die and we'll have to start all over, got it?" Letting out a soft sigh Takeshi settled back in his chair, picking up a strip of some fruit and giving it a nibble. Growing fruit did sound sort of fun really, and not too hard. Usually it grew on trees far as he knew, and how hard could it be to grow a tree? "The planet sounds... Strange. Earth, was it? A planet of cold white stuff and stone buildings... It doesn't sound all that nice." Eslaria couldn't understand the appeal of such a world, coming from one that was the complete opposite. For curiosity's sake she might go there some time if possible just to see what it was like, but actually wanting to live on such a planet was a stretch. Shaking her head at the thought she smiled slightly amused, resting one elbow on the table and laying her head in her hand lazily. "I see you've taken to meat then? Looks like we'll have to bring in even more food for our young bottomless pit," the Queen teased with a wink, "I'm glad that you enjoyed it though, it must have been quite the adventure." The idea of energy falling into the hands of the common Kaesstrian was even less appealing than the cold white stuff on Earth, at least that wouldn't destroy a city. If the General's actions were any indication their people were far from ready to wield such strength, and going on her knowledge of other Saiyans it certainly seemed to be a corrupting factor. The fact that T'charrl's friends were all good people yet Saiyans who wielded mighty power at the same time was a bit of an oddity, but a nice one at that. Looking at the Prince curiously at his idea Eslaria frowned, contemplating it as her eyes drifted back to her plate. It was a noble idea, but a dangerous one. Bringing in people from around their kingdom and perhaps others had certain risks involved with it. "And what do you propose we do when we find them? Just tell them things will be okay and leave it at that? Or do you plan to help them?" Yumi couldn't really understand why Viral and Korian wouldn't be able to reconcile their differences and work together. It wasn't impossible to do that, and if she wasn't mistaken Vegeta's own great-grandfather had done the very same thing with Goku all those years before. Also, if she could remember right Viral somewhat revered the original Vegeta, meaning that if it was something his idol could do then he should be able to as well. Trying to make her friend feel more included by placing herself alongside him Yumi was a little dejected to be told otherwise, her ears folding as she smiled sadly. "Well... Maybe I'm not exactly the same... But I'm a little like you, aren't I? More than most. I guess the way you say it though really does make you one different than me." No ears or some enhanced sense made her into a Beastman, maybe she had been trying to label herself as that for Viral's sake. Realistically though there was little different aside from those two facts, and there was a decent chance according to Vegeta the changes could even be undone. Looking at Viral sadly Yumi reached out, placing a hand on his back and mustering up a small smile for him. "It's okay to be nervous, because we won't know what happens until it happens. But things are going to get better, even if this treatment doesn't completely solve everything. Aito is going to be back soon, and he'll have you fixed in no time. So even if this is only enough to make you a little more comfortable at least we can look forward to seeing Vegeta's dad again, and having him work this out, right?"