[center][b] Status: Open[/b][/center] You wake up in a mysterious white room. Your memory has been erased. All you remember is your name. There are others like you. You all look human but some of you might not be human. Will you perish within this room or will you collaborate and escape. Will you work together or will you be driven apart by hatred. [b]Rules[/b] -No god modding -No controlling other people's characters -My word is final -Keep romance PG-13 -Have fun! Character Sheet: Name: Age: Appearance: Race (If you are not human you do not know that for a while): Other: [b]Characters:[/b] [hider=Core Slayer] Name: Core Slayer Age:9 Appearance: [img] http://img0.joyreactor.com/pics/post/full/anime-art-girl-glasses-1228895.jpeg[/img] Race: Artificial human Other: Before having her memory wiped she was a detective. She has good observation skills, and skills necessary for a detective [/hider]