Character name: Ro'Essel Criminal?: Exiled Convicted for: Her family failed to overthrow the Se'lela and as the highest genetic claimant left alive Ro'Essel was exiled to live among the dammed as her people think of the Oblivion Squadron Species: Ko'secti Gender: Female Age: 19 Ko'sect (43 terran) Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Sexual orientation: Bi Height: 6'2" Weight: 162 Apparel: Her most common war attire is a type of cloth armor called Iridis silk that can resist most hand held ballistic weaponry and blades. Weapons: Long sword, Six throwing daggers, sling with 28 one ounce spheres and a medium laser pistol. Equipment: Medkit, comms, humidity collar and wrist computer. Personal starfighter: (Optional) Skills: Martial Arts, Melee weaponry, Tactics, Desert Survival an Linguistics. Weaknesses: Caffeine and Desert conditions Powers: Telepathy and Teleportation Omega Level. (As an Omega level teleportationist Ro'Essel is a living capital weapon when injected with an enhancement drug but use of this drug can cause her instant death. Omega talents are capable of causing people an up to entire worlds to vanish forever dependent on the amount of enhancement drug injected with the greatest level having a 97.87% chance of killing her. The drug is held by the Oblivion Squad's High command because the laws of her home world do not allow any there to kill her so they hope the other races will) Personality: Ro is a very intelligent and honest young woman who even considering her condition is never depressed. Open with her thoughts and feeling she can seem too blunt to many she's around. Brave she never fears nor is apprehensive about combat no matter the odds. Biography: Ro'Essel was a member of the Royal house's Na'Helar branch which recently tried to overthrow the Se'lela in a war of succession but lost. Few if any know the details of her former existence or the reason she was not killed but only exiled. What is known is that she is a very powerful and skilled fighter trained as all of her caste is in the arts of war. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Species name: Ko'Secti Appearance: Ko'Secti appear to be human at first glance but this only superficially as being a race descended from aquatic mammals their eyes have two eyelids and when they blush they are colored by jagged strips of either green, brown or in the case of royalty turquoise blue and pointed ears that have caused some humans to nickname them elves. Powers: As a race the Ko'Secti are telepathic but they also poses different mental powers as individuals which range from telekinesis, pryomancy and rarest teleportation. Strengths: Ko'Secti are about 25% stronger that humans their size an as a semi amphibious race can hold their breath for 30 to 45 minutes and dive to depths of nearly 200 meters Weaknesses: Ko'Secti have an acute sensitivity to caffeine which is poisonous to them and coming from a very humid world an being semi amphibious need to wear special clothing in dry environments or suffer wounds due to drying skin in less than four hours. Age scale: 75 to 200 years old determined by under coloration greens living 75 to 100, browns living 100 to 150 and the blues 125 to 200+ years of age. Culture: The Ko'Secti are because of their telepathic nature a very honest race and because of this have learned that other races are not. This leads them to be very cautious and suspicious of non telepathic races. Home world: Ko'Sect Rarity: 21 billion + on three worlds in their star system Government type - Matriarchal Monarchy: Ruled by genetic hereditary royalty who fight for the right to become Se'lela (Empress) who is the goddess mortal the Ko'Secti respect the powerful. Strength - The Ko'Secti are ruled by a war caste that seeks battle as a way to enter their highest aspiration of reincarnation or the court of their moon goddess. They prefer to fight with what many would see as archaic weaponry such as swords and even spears but do have acess to powerful high tech weaponry as well. Their Religion makes their war caste unshakable warriors in combat as well as masters of tactics which to them is another form of worship. Back story - The Ko'Secti were a subject race about 5,000 years ago to a powerful race they call Jen'hal (The Evil Ones) who practiced genetic manipulation an selective breeding on their people. The Jen'hal ruled over the Ko'Secti for 2,000 years till one day Se'lela rose up and led a major revolt against them and succeeded in their overthrow an eventual destruction. Her race was now free but Se'lela saw from her telepathic gestalt that the Jen'hal were not the only evil in the galaxy so even though they held the high tech created by their former masters the Ko'secti became an insular race that refused contact for nearly 2,000 years. Then there came Tonya Es'yatan (Tonya the Longwalker) who showed the war caste their true hearts. Isolation was removed and the three worlds of the Ko'secti began building starships that could leave their system using the tech remembered from their former masters. These ships they named the Black Daggers were and are powerful warships designed to fight but used only to protect the Ko'secti Home system and pursue those who they deemed enemies. Then they built the Seekers which were designed to explore beyond their system and controlled by a new war caste called the Sa'Essel (Celestial or Star Dragons). The Sa'Essel like other races are forbidden to set foot on the sacred world of Ko'sect because of their contact with outsiders. They accept their fate as a house apart knowing that by being such they are the direct servants of Se'lela second only to the royal house in her eyes. The Sa'Essel have fought several of the members of the races which they are now allied most battles due to a lack of honesty on their part. Now a member of the Galactic Union the Ko'secti have given aid in the form of starship technology and high tech armors, weapons and other tech. They do not however lend troops or ships to the cause as their system has never been attacked.