THomas had been in the process of dodging some of the small creatures when the warning was given by the man, but before he could answer he suddenly found himself rising into the air uncontrollably. Well, for him anyway. He didn't really have experience with the Float spell, so it took him a bit both to right himself and figure out how to move about. He sighed, but made no further of it. Then Reno performed his next trick, bringing the fires in the boiler up to a higher temperature, and a blue color, without even a second thought. At that point Thomas did slap his forehead with the palm of his hand, another sigh tearing free. "I don't think that will be a problem," he called back as he moved about in the air. "Oh. And my apologies for him. He has a habit of doing stuff without considering the consequences." Certainly unlike himself. At least there was someone else, who seemed the considerate type. It made up for being unnecessarily blamed. At the same time, he took it to mind to watch out for this Yubaba, whoever she was. Well, that matter as quickly over, he looked over to Reno. "Feel free to keep talking with your new friend," he said. "I'm gonna keep looking." With that he headed for the passage that had been revealed, determined to find the Sign and get this over with.