[b]Anyone is allowed to join at anytime. There is one action per update allowed If people want to use custom weapons I will allow it if they are not overpowered. Better weapons will be found as treasures during the adventure. Updates will probably be made every 1-4 days. [/b] >Create World "Region_1" [img]http://s13.postimg.org/5t31tnu1j/map1.png[/img] >print (getWeaponInfo) "Default Weapons: 'Short Sword', 'Axe', 'bow', 'Dagger', 'Staff'" >Create Player Name: "Figen" Primary Color: Green Secondary Color: Brown Default Weapon: Short sword [img]http://s23.postimg.org/a27ctz40b/image.png[/img] >Go south [img]http://s15.postimg.org/tuaobfiej/map1_1.png[/img]