Alice got up from her woman-cave, where she had her blanket, phone, and laptop that had Netflix and Tumblr, to make some cereal. She was very well aware that it was Midnight, but she didn't give a bother. She walked over to the kitchen and opened a cupboard to get some Coco Puffs. She poured a reasonable amount for herself, which meant the bowl was over-flowing. She put the box down and went to grab the bag of milk in the fridge. She grabbed it, but realized there was only a drop left. "Bloody fuck!" she exclaimed, but covered her mouth quickly because she realized her parents were asleep. Suddenly, she started fading away. She started panicked and grunting scarily, since she really didn't know what to say. Then she became nothingness, and the bag of milk fell to the floor, the contents sloshing to and fro. She was suddenly in a completely white room, and a mysterious voice said the following: "" She had no idea what that meant, but she didn't have time to analyze what it meant before she blacked out. She was now in the sky, falling to her imminent doom. She screamed as if it would help her. It was when she hit the ground when she realized that she wasn't going to die, although it did hurt a whole lot. She groaned and tried to stand up on her back legs, but fell over. She got on all fours with extreme confusion, realizing she was a lot shorter then before. "Hello...?" she called out, hoping that someone would respond. - "Oh come oooooonnnn, can I please just explore the area for a bit? I've never been here before!" Peirce exlaimed to Crux. "You don't have to come with me if you don't want." "But... I do want to..." Crux replied quietly. "I... I guess I'll go with you..." Crux didn't want to go around following Peirce at all because he always tries to talk to others, but he always goes anyways because he's scared to be left alone. "Sweet!" Peirce replied to Crux. "Who knows? Maybe you'll make a new friend!" he said happily to the Absol. "Yeah, maybe..." Crux replied, although he didn't seem too enthusiastic about it.