[quote=@Lugubrious] Er, it was really only about an hour and fifteen minutes or so. Removing the armor is easy enough, so I'll do that for you. [img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-y80uLvSIYnE/VOFWYU63x5I/AAAAAAAAA0o/2BJVNjSaors/w287-h526-no/Warriors%2B-%2BRayna%2B3.png[/img] Last I checked, warriors don't wear sweatpants and slippers. Hope this works! [/quote] That looks amazing! No idea if you did anything to the size but she looks smaller! Anyhow, thanks for that, Lug! As I said, looks amazing! I'll put it into my CS now. Also, Rayna is going to make sweatpants and slippers into the "casual battlewear" range, just so you know.