Shu didn’t see how he was doing wrong when everything he did was his own choice and not anybody else’s. He was the one who wanted to stuff his face with food and eat like some hyperactive kid, but it didn’t actually affect the others in any way. He didn’t know how they could be annoyed with them when he wasn’t spluttering food everywhere, just Takeshi seemed to be nervous because he might get hit for him acting out instead. He wasn’t acting out on purpose, he was just rather hungry. Giggling at Takeshi he shifted on his seat happily, having a lot of fun even if it was just with food. “I know! I really like it here and I’m showing I really like it here. I love the food!” he squeaked happily, giggling as he raised his hands to his face, “Do you like the food? You should! It was made for you too!” Squeaking when Takeshi grabbed his nose he lifted his hands up and rubbed it quickly, shaking his head soon after before turning his attention back to Takeshi. He didn’t need to do that just to prove a point, especially when he was going to try hard to get what he wanted. “Ooh, do you know how to take care of them? Is nature not supposed to grow trees for us too?” T’charrl gave a nod, smiling a little. “It was only in a few spots when I saw the planet, but it was warm and I liked being on it, even if I didn’t see that much of it”. Granted at one point he nearly drowned, but he definitely enjoyed his time there more than the other planets. It was the least hostile apart from Haku causing him terrible pain. Feeling a little uneasy from thinking about it he looked back to his mother, raising his shoulders a little before looking down at himself. “I don’t think I mean to take to meat…I mean, well, it is really appealing now, but a bunch of other elements are to blame too. I cut my tongue on my teeth one time…that really hurt for ages. I feel really hungry most of the time too!” He didn’t want to be scaring his mother so he wasn’t going to get into any great details over it, just he wasn’t feeling too good over certain aspects of himself. Giving a little nervous smile as if joking over it he soon sighed and looked back to his plate, eating at his food a bit as his mother contemplated his reasoning to find these people, making him feel a little dumb for asking it. “I-I just thought…maybe if they saw me they might know the dangers of these powers and maybe…I don’t know, it would be nice knowing I’m not alone too. It’s just all my life ever since I knew everybody couldn’t do what I could, I’ve never felt a part of society. It’s just so easy to feel alone with this kind of thing, you know? Or maybe you don’t, I don’t know…” Viral was confused and didn’t know how to fix it, feeling that it was all his fault he was in this state. He was the one who tried to run away, he tried to be something he wasn’t and he was the one who got ultimately caught and dragged everyone into this mess. If he just stayed put he wouldn’t had started any of this and ultimately brought his existence to this moment in time. He did everything to deserve this and more, no one else was to blame. He definitely wanted to detach himself from the others if they wanted to work with Korian for their own good since he would only cause more trouble. There was no sense in keeping him around if he was just ruining everyone’s plans. Rubbing his head his eyes looked to Yumi, frowning as she continued to try and be a part of his world. He didn’t want her to be and didn’t think he belonged there, especially when it meant prosecution and no legal rights. “You’re a Human and you should hang onto that fact. Don’t think because someone tried to change you means you should follow their desire and accept it. You didn’t choose to be enhanced because of me and you shouldn’t identify yourself with that”. It was just one thing after another and he really wished it would just stop. Everyone was probably getting irritated by it too but he just wanted to be left alone to face his problems himself. There was no other way to fix things and it was obvious that the only solution was to try and figure it all out himself. Looking back when she touched his back he shifted a little, scratching at his neck roughly. They didn’t know if the Namekian dragon could bring back Aito successfully after so long or whether he was simply hiding his resentment for what happened until he was finally alive, especially when Vegeta’s family was still a sketchy bunch at best. If they could create a living weapon like him and brush it off like they just wanted to create life then there were a lot of questions that were left unanswered so far. “I don’t remember the man other than what I saw in that portal. He is still a stranger to me”, he spoke calmly, sighing as he rubbed his neck, “It’s the same as being told…it’s safe to bet a lot of money on a ring fighter just because someone you know says they will win and make everything better for you, only this bet will cost everything…something like that. I don’t know what you Humans regard as important and personal…”