[hider=Mikael Bolten]Name: Mikael Bolten Age: 17 Gender: M Arcana: Emperor School: Eaglecrest High Occupation: None Weapon: Fists Appearance: [img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/1/18983/406795-274px_wakaba_younger_super.jpg[/img] Personality: Most people would call Mikael an abrasive, hot-headed jerk--and they'd be right. He's brutally honest about his standing on everything, though he generally doesn't share it if people don't ask. This is actually quite the opposite with his emotions, however, as he's consistently in the sour mood of "I'll-punch-you-in-the-face" and refuses to talk about why. Ironically, he also shows how much he cares about someone in the same way, albeit with a much more light-hearted tone than normal. History: Mikael was fairly lonely as a child. Not that he minded it; he usually ended up fighting with other kids, anyways. With his father gone as a traveling salesman and his mother just... aloof, he was used to doing things on his own. Many saw him as a delinquent in school, despite him actually being one of the smarter students. Despite being perfectly comfortable with how he was seen, Mikael was suddenly noticed when he punched out a notable bully. People crowded him because of this, but, to his surprise, he enjoyed having others around him. However, this was short lived. His father had finally returned, bringing news that Mikael wasn't sure whether to be disappointed or overjoyed by: his father had gotten a permanent job in New Light, and they'd be moving there in a few days. When they got there, Mikael reverted to his secluded self. Persona: Grazham Arcana: Emperor Persona Appearance: [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/330/5/5/dragon_by_mystofeles-d2ve1o6.jpg[/img] Skills: Pain-Eater, Dia, Safeguard Strengths: Resist Dark, Resist Light Weaknesses: Electric/Ice[/hider]