[@RomanAria] "Listening to me..? Well, now that I think about it, I feel like I heard some sort of whispering from the very back of my mind..telling me what to do and how to do it. I pictured a sphere in my head and the next thing I knew, the very same sphere was in my hands!" He responded, going into detail of just how he was able to channel his magic, albeit a fragile first attempt. Ventus slowed to conserve his energy in preparation for the next lap around the canyon, allowing Anna to run ahead of him. As he came around the corner, however, he found that she was speaking with another apprentice. He couldn't quite make out what she was doing, but he saw the male apprentice's eyes widen in surprise whenever she had finished and began running again. Seeing that she was even more exhausted than before, Ven picked up the pace until he was a few feet behind her. "Sorry about this!" He calls before speeding up and sweeping Anna off her feet, carrying her like he did back in the jungle, although more tired than before. "I figured you needed a break." He quickly explains, grinning at her. "Just what was it that you did back there?" He asked, very curious about what had happened earlier.