(We get PSYCHIC PAPER?! Damn.) [b]The Privateer (Hits: N/A) [i]Messor I[/i] PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Miniature Instant Camera, Flat Screwdriver, Psychic Wallet, ???[/b] --- The Privateer stared at the blank paper in her new Psychic Wallet, trying to see if she could make out any sort of real picture or writing in it. It was one thing to go to new universes, but quite another for something like this to be happening to her. "[i]Ita vero[/i]," she said to the Gadgeteer. Romans in Timelines 1 and 86 alike did not have a real word for "yes" or "no", but he could make out the majority of her speech clearly enough. "It seems I am the only [i]navitempus[/i]... timeskipper?... to do so. What is your language? I have never heard it before."