Anna yelped in indignity as Ven scooped her up. "I'm perfectly capable of running on my own, Ven!" she complained weakly, but her head was spinning even as she said it. In response to his other question she grimaced. "Um, the other apprentice kind of split his cheek open from trying to force his magic. It was bleeding kind of badly, and I wanted to... to be able to do something nice for someone, so I healed it with my magic. I'm starting to wish I hadn't, as dizzy as I am. It feels like blood loss, only more mentally punishing, rather than just physically." She didn't want to say how she knew about blood loss, she didn't want to think about it either. [i]can't think. can't think must stay strong calm free safe happy not thinking not thinking.[/i] The weakness left her unable to form coherent thoughts, much less actually sink into a flashback. For that she was grateful. But now she told Ven, "Seriously, I can run on my own. Have to run on my own. I won't get stronger if you're constantly helping me. I appreciate it, don't think that I don't, but I've got to get stronger." [@ShadowVentus]