Name: Takashi Miyuzaki Age: 23 Gender: Male Arcana: Fortune School: New Light University Occupation: Many. Museum Night Guard, Store Clerk, Maid/Butler Cafe Waiter to name a few. Weapon: Katana Appearance: A fairly tall individual standing at 5'11", his hair is dark blonde and is kinda long and shaggy. His eyes are a piercing green with pronounced crow's feet which come from smiling. As well as a few small scars including a particularly prominent one that leaves a bald spot halfway through his left eyebrow, so it looks like he has the normal one, then two slightly smaller ones. He's reasonably well built and a bit tanned from working a lot of labor-intensive jobs with small and large scars crossing his arms and hands. [hider=Portrait] [img][/img] Pretty much this except green eyes and aforementioned scar. [/hider] Personality: Friendly to everyone he meets, even total strangers, willing to risk himself to help those in need. He's very harsh on himself and his own shortcomings, seeking to excel at everything he does, as such he tends to overwork himself. Takashi is usually a very laid back person, willing to take whatever blows life gives him in stride, and keeps moving. He doesn't let much get under his skin and has an abundance of patience. History: [hider=Character Past] Takashi was born to an aspiring Actress from America and a young Japanese computer programmer. They married in college, his mother was the younger of the two at 19, his father was 21. They built a life and had Takashi a few months after they were married. He grew up relatively normally, aside from the bullying and stares he'd receive because of his hair color. As he got to middle school many of the teachers and faculty labelled him a delinquent. Takashi took these labels and judgements to heart, and acted exactly as they expected him to, as they expected a delinquent to. He was mean, aggressive, pushy, his grades dropped, he even got mixed in with a wannabe gang. In fact his teachers entered him into the Kendo Club to try and curb his aggressive tendencies. But then when he was 15 his parents had another child, a daughter they named Megumi. Takashi only had to hold her once to determine he loved her with all his heart, and right then he vowed to be a big brother she could look up to. And so he moved on to highschool and was a model student. Excellent grades, a great demeanor, he met with great success in the Kendo Club, winning a few championships and becoming captain of the team. He also became Vice President and eventual President of the Student Council. All his teachers knew he was destined for greatness, that he would reach the stars. And even he believed that, his graduation day was full of meetings with scouts from very prestigious colleges and universities. And yet his parents were nowhere to be seen, Takashi wasn't particularly surprised by this. After all they only attended a few of his Kendo Tournaments. But still something was off....... And this feeling of unease pervaded his thoughts until he got home, the door was locked and he could hear his 3 year old sister crying. Where were his parents? Why weren't they with Megumi? These thoughts each came and sounded very loud warning bells in his head as he unlocked the door, rushing to his crying sibling. He settled her down before asking her where their parents had gone, to which the only response was a shake of the girl's head and a pointing at the door. He later found a note on the coffee table, apparently his mother couldn't stand his father anymore and left, in the note she begged Takashi to look after Megumi. His parents fought a lot yes, his hand drifted to the scar in his left eyebrow. Yes he got that during one of his parents' spats. His father had had a little too much to drink and ended up throwing an ash tray at his mother, Takashi did the what any son would've done and blocked it, with his head. The resulting hospital visit and stitches was enough to get his parents to quit arguing, or at least make it into a more private affair. Apparently it had been bad enough to cause his mother to walk out, but still where was his father? Takashi didn't know, and so he started caring for Megumi as he waited for someone to come back. But they never did, eventually a child services agent came for Megumi. But Takashi knew that no matter what happened he wasn't going to let her go. And so he made a second promise, to always look out and care for his sister no matter what. And so he declined all of the scholarship offers, and withdrew himself from the professional Kendo scene, earning the ire and disappointment of many of his peers. Now that Megumi is grown a bit he lives in an apartment with his sister, doing as much work as he can to pay for college and support them both.[/hider] Persona: Kitsune Arcana: Fortune Persona Appearance: A young man wearing a plain white Hakama and holding a white orb. He has white hair, fox ears, and nine, snow-white tails. Skills: Agi, Cleave, Sukukaja. Strengths: Fire, Physical. Weaknesses: Ice, Dark.