Bella cried out as the laser hit knocked her off her feet. She landed with a thump, stunned from the force of the blast. A moment later though she felt a tug on her arm. She managed to get back up onto her feet. "Thanks, okay" Bella said to Jared, shuddering when she saw how close she had been to falling of the edge. If one laser blast could hurt so much, she didn't want to think about what a fall into the abyss would do to her. Bella peered through the dust, looking for the figure that Jared said killed the monsters. She couldn't see anything, but she tried to stay sharp, knowing that whatever it was would have no problems taking them out if it tried since it had no trouble with the monsters. She picked up her brush and pallet that had fallen onto the ground. "I think I can cast it again," she said. Bella walked up to the base of the tower, frozen in ice. She made the strange pattern with her brush, and a flame wall sprung from the tip and rushed towards the tower. After a few more fire blasts the ice shattered into pieces and revealed the stone wall of the tower.