Name: Volt is his alias. His real one will probably known by no one, but is technically "Emil Emmerson" Age: 13 by years(Biologically, he ages at 3x the rate of a human until he's technically 30, and then he slows down to .5x the rate of a human until he dies, at an unknown age), technically 31.5 by biology. Gender: Male Race: [Engineered] Human [Weapon] Reason for joining the mission: Orders. Volt was a genetically-engineered specimen created from the embyro of a donator and the modification of a 3-dozen scientist team. He was the response to meeting the higher-agility Drow, to combat them on even or in-human-favor ground. He has had nothing but training and growing since his technical 'birth' thirteen years prior. He is an experiment and the second of his kind; the first being dead. Armor and equipment: His suit and appearance: [img][/img] His secondary weapons: [img][/img] Again, note that he was pretty much created to combat anything Drow or better than, so he's going to be using these like a master His primary weapon:r An energy rifle that only he can use. It requires a special electromagnetic footprint to fire, and only Volt would have the power to keep it charging without overheating. [img][/img] Anything else: Volt has been genetically modified to have a brain far more powerful than any human being, for a simple purpose: Being an emmer. And emmer is someone who has such brainpower as to control, sense, and redirect electromagnetic energy. Essentially, he can fire bolts of lightning, create walls of it, set off explosions, and sense any living thing around it, as well as its brain activity (though reading it is like learning a new language on your own). His suit enhances his abilities, and provides several tiny reactors throughout, giving him the ability to create shields around himself, and fire bolts of lightning.