Bristlebane grinned ruefully, the master may have sugercoated the words but the meaning came across clear, he was weaker with magic than the otehrs. No matter, he would just have to work harder than then, a new expeirence for him but something that he believed he could do. He got to his feet realizing the exhaustion was more mental than physicall, which of course didn't make this any easier it just meant he would have to fight for control. He quickly set off on his run finding an even pace that he could hold, just slightly faster than was comfortable like any good pace was. He almost stopped to help the pair as they tripped and fell to the ground but the Master's words stopped him and he relunctanly passed them, he couldn't interfere with thier training and they couldn't interfere with his, that was the way this had to be. He set his body onto a sort of atuo pilot, and thought long on hard about his magic as he run.