Ivan made his way to the front of the chicken sandwich line through sheer tenacity and stubbornness, refusing to move in the constantly jostling crowd of hungry students. He instantly grabbed two sandwiches with a feral light in his eyes, pausing momentarily to consider his options. After a full second of deliberation, the gunslinger grabbed a third sandwich and a carton of milk, shooting looks around him as if daring any of the surrounding students try and take what he'd rightfully claimed. They'd have to be quick. Like that Oobleck fellow. He frowned as he made his way past the checkout, ignoring the appraising glance the staff member had given him after he'd piled the third sandwich on the counter and paid for it all without a second thought. History wasn't his strong suit, and he seriously doubted he'd really need to reference a book if there were going to be slideshows. The fact that he hadn't actually [i]gotten[/i] the assigned history textbook had nothing to do with it. [i]Ah, well. That was a problem for tomorrow's Ivan to sort out.[/i] He found a relatively empty table behind the shield wielding man who'd lost to the somberly colored girl in the first match. Acknowledging the man with a nod(He'd proven himself a [i]driven[/i] opponent, if nothing else), Ivan unceremoniously dropped his collection of sandwiches on the table, glancing suspiciously around before beginning to chow down, shoveling the food into his maw as fast as he could swallow.