Watching Merlin burn through the math problems was definitely a spectacle to be seen. He burned through every practice problem and example problem there was in the packet inside the packet within the first 10 minutes of class. These were nothing compared to all the calculations he had to make while he was working at the casino. Almost as soon as he finished the last page with problems on it, he began to take a nap. The battle the class before had worn him out, and he proceeded to sleep until the end of class bell rang. When Merlin finally got the dining hall, he made a bee line toward the chicken sandwiches. He had already grown a large appetite right after the sparring match with Ivan and it only grew from then on. It had gotten to a such a point that, right in the middle of history, Merlin's stomach gave a very audible growl. He picked up nine chicken sandwiches, a large heap of curly fries, and three cartons of milk. The employee at the end of the bar gave Merlin an odd look after sizing up the amount of food he had and comparing it to is body size. Merlin didn't pay any mind to him as he paid for his food and walked away. Finding a seat wasn't too difficult. Merlin walked by Ivan and gave a quick "Sup." before continuing his search for a seat. He decided to take a seat right across from Geni who had made a replying to a boy who had made a comment about the math class earlier. [color=ed1c24]"I see fighting more of an art than a science. I do see the relevance in treating it from more of an analytic point of view though."[/color] He said with a smile, [color=ed1c24]"Good show during you match today, Geni."[/color] Merlin then looked down at his mountain of food and began the feast.