Name: Aiko Yanagi Age: 17 Gender: Female Arcana: The Magician School: Eaglecrest High Occupation: She helps out at the local library. Weapon: [url=]This Book[/url] Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: At first glance, Aiko appears as a shy, quiet and hard to approach girl. Once you're past first glance, this doesn't change. She is slow at opening up to people, and even slower to trust them. This is because she has a fear of being judged by others. Even when she finaly opens up, she doesn't change much. She's still the same timid girl, only now she trusts you, and will be there to help, if she can. She spends more time with her books than with others. History: Most of Aiko's life has been uneventful. She comes from a rather wealthy family, so she was free to do a lot of things most others wouldn't be able to. However, her fathers work also forced them to move to a lot of different countries. During this time, Aiko learned to speak several languages, but she also became more secluded, spending more and more time on her own, reading, rather than meeting people. This was because she knew that they'd probably move soon, so meeting new people and finding new friends, as she would loose them anyways. So she didn't develop strong social skills. However, she always did well at her new schools, scoring the highest on her tests. Two years ago, her family moved to New Light, a place she really started liking, so when her parents had to move again a year later, she chose to stay. A decision that was met with mixed reactions from her parrents, who were pretty overprotective, but at the same time, they wanted her to not only learn to live on her own, but also to find people to rely on. Persona: Ravynne Arcana: The Magician Persona Appearance: [img][/img] Skills: Agi, Zio, Dia Strengths: Null fire and Dark, Resist Lightning. Weaknesses: Air, Ice, Light, Physical.