Ildrun yawned a bit as she packed up her things, she hadn't gotten as much sleep as she would have liked in the past few days. Hopefully now that she had caught up with the Dovahfeyn she would be able to get more. It had been an interesting night, particularly because the meeting of a Snow Elf, which Ildrun still had a hard time believing happened, yet the Snow Elf was still there. Then again, the thought of Dragons returning had been nearly unthinkable until it had actually happened, [i]Who knows? We might meet one of the Dwarves before our journey ends.[/i] She chuckled a bit, that still seemed unlikely, yet she was traveling (maybe) with a Snow Elf to kill Dragons so it didn't seem impossible as it had before. Ildrun stood up and checked hear gear again, she was ready to go, though there seemed to be some still getting up. She sat down by the fire pit and took out a bit of dried, salted venison to chew on as she thought about the journey ahead.