Ivan gave a nod of greeting as Indigo sat down, not stopping his constant devouring of the utterly average chicken sandwiches he'd taken from the bar. He gave another nod as Merlin passed by, noting with juvenile satisfaction that his opponent seemed to be the sort who would put on the pounds as he got older. Ivan had reacquired the ridiculously large hat sometime in the last couple of hours, although the matching poncho had apparently vanished into the ether. Green eyes flashed underneath the constantly shifting brim as his head turned toward his newly acquainted teammate with his mouth finally empty enough to maintain conversation. [b]"I'm decent at math. Kinda need to if I wanna figure out how hard I hit with my semblance."[/b] The frown that had crossed his features earlier returned. [b]"Not so good at the history, though. Listening to the recounting of dead people doing dead things isn't really my cup o' tea."[/b] He took a long swig from the carton of milk, staring into the distance as he considered the implications of his teams impressively average performance. [b]"I was holding back, obviously. Doesn't make for a good show if I display all my tricks on the first day."[/b] The semi-permanent aura of confidence returned in full as Ivan turned to look for his previous opponent, spotting the caster at the table directly behind him with the shield-wielder and the clown who'd lost to a man without his main weapon. The gunslinger called over the din of the rest of the student's eating and chatting, a smirk of devilish amusement plastered on his features: [b]"It'd take more than some amateur-hour stage magician to take me out!" [/b] He'd begun to stuff his face again as Ineko's drone took the seat across from him, and stared blankly at it until its owner came and sat down with a hefty thud. He attempted to speak through a mouthful of food, abruptly reconsidered, swallowed, then continued. [b]"Pity I never got to see either you or the foxy lady's fights. We may know each other's names, but we haven't been formally introduced."[/b] He extended a hand over his half-finished plate of chicken sandwiches toward Indigo and then Ineko, fully expecting it to be shook. [b]"Ivan Oakley, best shot this side of Atlas."[/b]