"Well, you can show you like it without stuffing your face like that, you know? It's... Well it's rude!" Or something like that, he didn't really know. Takeshi didn't have a solid reason really for why Shu shouldn't eat like that aside from his own not wanting to get smacked. His worries didn't look to do much at all in the way of stopping Shu though, if anything he kept going because of it. Of course he liked the food, it was good and all, but he was spending more time trying to get his brother to settle than actually eating it. Giving Shu's nose a pinch in an attempt to make him relax the older boy rolled his eyes, getting back to the topic of growing their own food instead. It sounded easy enough, and while he'd never really done it Takeshi figured it was so simple they could do it no problem. Leave it to Shu to make something simple sounding be all confusing. "Uh... No? I mean... What?" Takeshi was getting a bit flustered with this, having no idea how to answer Shu's question. Groaning he lifted his hands and rubbed at his head, shrugging his shoulders in defeat before glancing back at his brother. "Nature isn't [i]supposed[/i] to do anything for us, it just sort of does. It's just kind of there, it's not there for us, get it? That's like saying there's fish in the water because they're supposed to be there for us, which is silly. Fish are there because that's just how it works, and it just so happens we eat them. Make sense?" It was going to take a bit to get used to T'charrl's new diet, particularly how he was fond of meat now. It wasn't unheard of for them to eat meat, and they did so as a family now and again, but never on a regular basis. Providing their son the food he wanted wasn't going to be an issue, it was just more of trying to adapt to the new meals they'd be preparing. Hearing about his worries was a little amusing, especially when he was so flustered over such a small thing. Sure, their kind didn't typically eat as much meat as T'charrl might be, but there was nothing inherently wrong with that. "You feel really hungry because you're a young Kaesstrian my dear. Our appetite peaks around your age, and if you're not careful you could cause a famine with how much you'll eat," the Queen teased, smiling at her dark humor, "There are more important things to concern yourself with that how much you might eat. Don't let it worry you so much." What was this idea that T'charrl had then? Grouping together other children like him? She had never given it much thought but it would make sense there were others like her son on Kaesstra. Chances were more likely than not these children were in other kingdoms though, and getting other rulers to agree to any single meeting place for these gifted children wasn't going to be an easy task. "I don't know what it's like and I won't pretend to. I've never fully understood what life must be like for you, and I don't think I can," the Queen explained, glancing over at her son, "But... I can understand your position, and I agree with it. There will have to be some way to prove we're not trying to do anything malicious with this, that will be the hard part. If there are others like you though I can certainly see them wanting someone to reach out to them, and who better than our people's hero?" Yumi had been giving in to her being changed a bit too easily, and she thought she knew why too. Maybe by labeling herself as a Beastman it would make Viral feel less isolated, perhaps help improve his mood a little. At the very least maybe she had hoped that by showing she was okay with what had happened then her friend wouldn't somehow blame himself for her condition. Whatever the case she was still human, and no ears or extra sensitive nose was going to change that. It was probably the wrong way to go about trying to associate herself with Viral anyways, as appearances were pretty superficial. There were a few things they enjoyed anyways, fighting being perhaps the most prominent of those. If they were going to do anything together then it should be that, only it would have to be a little different to accommodate for Viral's condition. "Isn't it better to be hopeful though? To like to think that what you want will work out, or that things will be okay after all is said and done?" Yumi asked, smiling as she wrapped her hands together. "We humans care about a lot of things. Family, friends, being happy, getting to have an adventure I guess. I can't sit here and list them all, there's too much. If you ask me though it's harder not to care than it is to care, which might sound weird. People want to be liked, and we want to be surrounded by others and have a good time while doing it. If you're wondering about me specifically, I think friends are probably my most important thing in life. So do you kind of understand now why I won't give up on you?"