[center][img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061102182930/marveldatabase/images/1/18/Blackagar_Boltagon_%28Earth-616%29.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Player Name:[/b] The New Yorker [b]Character Name:[/b] Blackagar Boltagon [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Affiliations:[/b] The Inhumans [b]Character Bio & Background [/b] At what some considered the new height of Attilan culture and societal stability, two of the greatest and most powerful minds bore a child, one of limitless potential and ability even so young as he was. His mother Rynda, Director and first chair of the prenatal care center and Queen of the Inhumans, had organized a project to subject her unborn child, still but an embryo, to the mutagenic effects of Terrigenisis. The baby was born with the unwieldy ability to absorb and disperse the electron energy around him. In order to protect the baby and others around him, Blackagar was put into a hyper isolation chamber and settled into an energy harness. This is where he would be raised for the next 15 years in relative ease, learning to control his powers along with everything else the Inhuman heir apparent learns. This is where his story of achievement and success ends. Unbeknownst to the prodigal son, sheltered deep within the Attilan Royal chambers, he had a brother, indeed, a twin brother. Maximus was paraded about as a trophy. He was smart, powerful, sophisticated, and docile, easily brought out during speeches or feasts. Everyone knew, however, that Maximus was just the opening act, simply an appetizer for the main course. Indeed, everyone knew this, except Blackagar himself. Max became thoroughly unhappy with his lot in life, his hampered dreams and aspirations. He’d been doing research, using his uncanny powers of mind control and astral projection in order to delve deep into the darkest secrets Attilan had to offer. And at the center of it, he found the Kree. Maximus conspired throughout his adolescence to find some way to usurp his brother’s position, and perhaps even that of his parent’s. Max learned that the tales and legends of Attilan being the Great Refuge, a totally isolated nation, were complete fabrications. The Inhumans and the Humans roamed the lands together at one point, indeed, some still do. So why should they be allowed to flourish beyond the confines of the bubble and Max could not? So, he devised a terrible plot to exploit this web of lies. If the people of Attilan were content with delusions and false pretenses, Maximus could provide better than anyone. Max went about signaling the Kree to the Inhuman’s location. He did so in such a way that the Kree would be at a disadvantage when they arrived, doubling down on his own people by warning them before-hand. When the exploratory forces of the Kree landed in the Atlanitc they were met by a bevy of some of the most powerful members of the Royal family and their companions. Max was among them. He controlled the battle like a marionettist, making sure both his mother and father were critically wounded, but also making sure the Kree were forced to flee. With the first strike of the invasion out of the way, the King and Queen in dire conditions, and Maximus coming out victorious, all that is left is to occlude Blackagar. With each attentive and caring mind clouded by Maximus’ incredible mental abilities, he is able to take the throne at the age of 16. With this seat of power Maximus is able to keep his parents disabled and unconscious while his brother is locked in a cell no one knows of. For five years he rules, and no one seems to notice that he’s not supposed to be there. Perhaps because of how easy everything is. Perhaps it’s because the Kree threat is behind them and in front of them at equal measure. Max cares not as he sips wine from his gilded cup in the throne room. He makes trips to the surface every few months without anyone noticing—well, almost anyone. The irony of the situation is that Maximus revealed himself and his plot to his brother, letting him rot in the cell with only his thoughts and a few scraps a week to feed him. Any attempt Maximus made to control his brother failed, as did his attempts to impose amnesia. For five years Blackagar lives in a darkly lit chamber, fastened tightly into an energy harness. He meditates in order to stay calm, retrieve sweet memories of when his parents would come to visit him. For five years he lives in exile in the Royal chambers. All the while he is periodically taken care of by his first cousin Medusa, a beautiful girl with the sweetest caring eyes, and rolling hills of crimson hair. On Blackagar’s 21st birthday Medusa is sent to feed the young man, usually aided by Maximus, who wipes her mind afterwards. This time, however, Maximus rushes off on an expedition to the Antarctic, leaving the two together without surveillance. On this day Blackagar will finally be free. [b]Powers and abilities [/b] Ambient Particle & Electron Harnessing: Black Bolt's primary superhuman ability is the power to harness electrons. The speech center of his brain contains a unique organic mechanism that's able to generate an unknown particle that interacts with the electrons he absorbs to create certain phenomena that are determined by his mental control. [hider]  Quasi-Sonic Scream: Black Bolt's most devastating offensive weapon, and one of the phenomena based upon the particle interaction, is his actual voice. A whisper can level a city, cause distant dormant volcanoes to become active once more, shake entire continents apart and generate tremors on the far side of the planet. A hypersonic shout has been said to generate enough force to destroy planets. Due to the constant and extreme danger posed by his voice, he has undergone rigorous mental training to prevent himself from uttering even the smallest sound, even while asleep. Recently it has been shown that Black Bolt's scream is tied into his emotions, especially anger. This in turn would mean that the power of his scream would depend on his emotional state in at least some way. It would explain the somewhat significant difference of the power released by his quasi-sonic scream.  Particle & Electron Channeling: Black Bolt wears a metallic, fork-shaped antenna upon his brow that allows him to focus and channel his powers in more directed and less destructive ways. This antenna monitor's the speech center of his brain and allows him to direct quantities of the unknown particles to create controlled phenomena, such as enhancing his physical strength beyond his normal limits. He can also channel all the available energy he has into one arm for a single, massively powerful punch called the Master Blow. The exertion from this, however, taxes his ability to employ the energy to its full power for a short time.  Particle & Electron Manipulation: Black Bolt can also direct the unknown particle outwards without the use of his vocal chords. He can route the particles through his arms and create small yet vastly powerful blasts of concussive force. He can also form a field of highly active electrons around his body with a wave of his hand. This field can deflect projectiles. Black Bolt can also create enough iteration between the electron and particle energies to generate fields solid enough for him to travel over.  Matter & Energy Manipulation: Through an unknown method, Black Bolt has shown numerous times that he has the ability to manipulate matter and energy to an unknown degree. He has shown the ability to transmute the elements, turn water into ice, create multiple toys out of thin air by re-arranging the molecular structure, and was able to block the powers of others through his abilities; in turn denying them the access to their abilities.  Telepathy: Black Bolt has strong psychic resistance, as evident when he was able to easily resist the mental abilities of his powerful brother.  Anti-Gravitational Flight: Black Bolt can also harness the unknown particles his brain generates to interact with electrons to create anti-gravitons that enable him to defy gravity. By emitting a jet of rapidly moving particle / electron interaction by-product while enveloped by anti-gravitons. The anti-graviton field also serves to protect Black Bolt from the detrimental effects of rapid movement through the atmosphere although it's not necessarily needed.[/hider] Inhuman Physiology: Like all Inhumans, Black Bolt's natural physiology grants him a number of superhuman physical attributes but because of the genetic tampering before birth, Black Bolt's physical abilities are significantly superior to most other members of his race. [hider]  Superhuman Strength: Black Bolt, like all Inhumans, is superhumanly strong. He is able to lift about 1 ton. However, he can augment his physical strength by channeling the necessary particle energy through his body.  Superhuman Speed: Black Bolt can run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.  Superhuman Stamina: Black Bolt's Inhuman musculature generates less fatigue toxins than the musculature of a normal human, even the finest human athlete. At his peak, he can exert himself for several days before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.  Superhuman Durability: Black Bolt's body is incredibly resistant to all forms of physical damage. Black Bolt is resistant to great impact forces, such as falling from a height of several stories that would severely injure or kill a human being unharmed. Black Bolt is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, such as the cold in space, or the heat from re-entry.  Superhuman Agility: Black Bolt's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.  Superhuman Reflexes: Black Bolt's reflexes are beyond those of the finest human athlete.  Superhuman Longevity: Like all Inhumans, Black Bolt has a natural lifespan that is at least twice the average lifespan of a human being. [/hider] [b]Sample Story Arcs [/b] Blackness descends: Blackagar escapes from the prison his brother has made for him and frees the Attilan’s from their own mental prisons. That’s only the beginning as the Inhumans face old and new threats. Blackness repents: After picking up the pieces and retrieving lost ties, Black Bolt must find a new home for his people. Blackness ascends: The Inhumans, in their desperation and sadness, look up to the skies for a reprieve. [hider= Sample Post] The steel barred door is flanked on either side by radiant blue neon lights, glowing somberly in dark green corridor. Medusa’s writhing plumage is shocked by the bright light, as it almost always is. She holds a silver tray in her delicate hands as a tremor passes through her body. She knows this place, her hair knows this place, yet she cannot draw that image from her memory, as if it is blocked from her. The eerie feeling followers behind her as she opens the door with a loud click and walks down the long hall. Blackagar opened one eye when he heard the sound of the door open, allowing his cold blue orb to shine in the darkness. . He could hear the footsteps, heeled and measured, nervous though, there was no second set. He knew who it was and he lifted himself from his meditation position, knees bent under him, and stood straight. Medusa appeared behind the glass pane that kept him separated from the outside. Her green eyes met his blues for a moment and she shivered somewhere inside. She coyly made her way to the door and placed the contents of the tray in the compartment there, which would subsequently deliver it to Blackagar. He ignored the food and stared at her, looking around to see if Maximus had joined her. He hadn’t. Blackagar’s black hair reached his ears and he was growing a little beard, but his blue and white harness seemed pristine. Medusa avoided eye contact for a little while, but decided that she had to look, she couldn’t bare not returning a gaze so powerful, so intent. He spoke volumes with his eyes. The pain and the anger crossed his cheeks like a scar and the sadness filled his eyes. Medusa couldn’t bare the hurt he seemed to be in, her hair reacted to him as well; each strand seemed to want to touch him. She lifted her hand to the glass and offered a sympathetic eye. Blackagar lifted his hand as well. They stared into eachother’s eyes for longer than Medusa had ever looked at anyone. She’d fallen asleep in his gaze. Then his eyes flicked, and he blinked. His boyish face came up with a troublesome look and his eyes darted off to his right. Medusa looked off to her left, exactly where he’d looked, and she noticed the keypad there. She understood what he wanted, then felt a pang of disappointment. “I don’t…” she started. Blackagar shifted his head only an inch, forced his palm against the glass, and his affects changed totally. She understood what he was saying then too, [i]”I will help,”[/i] is what he’d said, [i]”I will help you.”[/i] She nodded and he began demonstrating numbers to input. [/hider]