[center][h1]Sword & Septim[/h1][/center] The year is 4E 202, and Tamriel is quiet. Alduin, the World-Eater, and his dragons are dead at the hand of the Dragonborn. Ulfric and his Stormcloaks are defeated and in chains, their rebellion brought to heel by the Empire. The White-Gold Concordat remains intact, though the balance of power is a delicate thing indeed. The Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire are at peace, warily eyeing each other from either end of the Abecean Sea. The bold Tactus Nykerius I, having risen to the throne after the assassination of Titus Mede II, has brought peace to Skyrim by the sword and now threatens to disrupt this status quo in similar fashion. But these are matters best left to scholars and politicians. With peace achieved, the lands of Tamriel are safer than ever for the traveling explorer. Beneath the earth are ruins, pregnant with untold wealth and riches jealously guarded by trap, man, and monster. By sword, spell, and song, those riches will be wrested. [center][h3]Welcome to Sword & Septim, Adventurer[/h3][/center] We will begin our adventure in Anvil, at the Flowing Bowl. Your adventurers should be reasonable, nothing too far beyond the characters you may create in Skyrim, Oblivion, etc. No sloads, you fucks. [h2]Character Sheet[/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Urist McDragonborn [b]Basic Description:[/b] Urist McDragonborn stands some six feet tall, and is well built. His strapping arms are tattooed with the likenesses of the cast of Duck Dynasty, and his rippling muscles... [b]Basic Biography:[/b] Urist McDragonborn was born to a pair of farmers who were secretly members of the Dark Brotherhood. They were involved in the assassination of Titus Mede II, and passed on their legendary skills to their son… You get the picture. [h2]Credits[/h2] [b]York/Wolves[/b]; Lead Writer, Faraldir [b]Hank[/b]; Creative Consultant, Lijah Cuu [b]Cpt Toellner[/b]; Writer, Allectus Valeres [b]Alex[/b]; Valued Contributor, Sheila