[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Grounds ==> Cafeteria[/h2] After the sparring matches were threw and the bell rang Sapphire made her way slowly to the infirmary. There the nurse bandaged her rib and ankle and gave her a soft loose slipper for her damaged foot. Then at Sapphire's insistence she also bandaged her hands. It was not that she had injured them but the trick she'd done by grabbing Oswald's sword's had sliced her gloves, aura didn't protect clothing. The bandages were to hide the scares on her hands. After that Sapphire deciding that she didn't really need to attend the remainder of Math or any of History returned to her room to get a particular item, her violin. She walked the grounds looking for a secluded spot. The nurse had given her some sort of anti-inflammatory so she could walk properly. She wouldn't be running for another two days but she could walk. Finally Sapphire found what she was looking for, an isolated spot. She took the violin out it's case and played a song called [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUiKqtVGhY0][color=White][u]The Parting Glass[/u][/color][/url]. She could of course only play the violin part, there was a guitarist piece and flute accompaniment that went with it but those were instruments Sapphire did not know how to play. She played it three times looking out over the edge of Beacon. Halfway threw her third recital Sapphire heard the bell ring signalling the beginning of lunch. Sapphire made her way to the mess hall, if she wanted to have time to eat she couldn't drop it back at the dorms which was a pity but Sapphire decided not to dwell on it. In the line up Sapphire selected two chicken sandwiches, a side of mashed potatoes, a small plate of apple slices covered in cellophane wrap and a milk. She looked up at the staff member charging for each purchase making sure she was busy with someone who'd taken an impossibly large amount of foot compared to his size. Once Sapphire was sure the woman wasn't looking at her ship popped her violin case open and slid the milk and apples into a three by six slot that was supposed to hold dust cartridges, Janus had the case specialty made, he didn't want her to ever be out of ammunition and she never let her violin out of her sight so the obvious solution was to put the rounds in with the violin. He didn't really consider that she might just take them out. Once she'd paid for her meal Sapphire surveyed the room and decided to take a seat across from Oswald. The table was currently in the middle of a discussion on the uses of math and history and how they applied to combat. [color=0054a6]"I'd say the wizard there is right, combat is an art form not a science. You find me someone who fights with numbers and calculations and I'll show him what a real fight looks like."[/color] Sapphire opened her violin case and set the rest of her meal, the stuff she hadn't paid for next to the stuff she had. Sapphire was just about to take a bite of the chicken sandwich when the girl next to her made some comment about growing up with the state. Sapphire froze, that meant only one thing. [color=0054a6]"You grew up in foster care?"[/color] Sapphire had known foster care and orphanage kids. The times that Janus was away from the house Sapphire spent as far from the place as she could. She'd fallen in with less than reputable crowds but she could always tell the foster kids from the rest. Something about there eyes, they never quite focused on one thing, like they were always looking for a way out.