Aurellius' eyes widened a bit as the tendrils of shadow wrapped around his neck, taking away his ability to breath. He ignored it, letting himself stay calm while his lungs cried out slightly in protest. He inhaled a bit of fresh air once she let go, frowning slightly. "You know, Diamond. I [i]was[/i] going to buy extras. For the team. You know, being nice and all. Buuut, I don't really take kindly to weird shadows trying to steal my precious oxygen." A stern glare was given at the girl, but it softened into a smile. "But with those puppy-dog eyes, I guess I could reconsider." He made a face of slight disgust. "And as you said, I also came here to take out Grimm. Sure, combat classes are fun and all, but that Jack character was just plain cheating." He stabbed the fork violently into the macaroni over and over again. "Too fast for even a Hunter, I tell you. You people and your manipulation of reality," he said as he waved his fingers in a spooky manner. He raised the fork up again, a bit curious. "What all can you do with those shadows? Other than trying to suffocate me to death, of course."