[b]Name:[/b] Lijah Cuu. [b]Basic Description:[/b] This Breton is neither particularly tall nor particularly short and, like most of his race, more slender than his Imperial or Nordic cousins. Lijah's large, almond-shaped eyes are a fierce shade of green, contrasting handsomely with his long black hair, usually worn in a ponytail. A trimmed goatee finishes the roguish look. His blood runs thick with that of the Altmer, giving him ears that taper into a slight point and an ever-so-gentle golden hue to his skin. Lijah usually wears comfortable and loose black clothing of fine make, giving him unrestricted movement. Leather, iron-padded vambraces help him keep his grip while climbing and aid him in deflecting blows in combat. His boots are also made of leather, enchanted to make him light on his feet and muffle his footsteps. While venturing into danger, Lijah shrouds himself in a black, hooded cloak and covers his face with an equally black scarf. When you want to be invisible, there isn't much room for creative use of color. [b]Basic Biography:[/b] Much like the man himself, Lijah's past is shadowy. He hails from Sentinel, but who his parents were or how he ended up as a Nightblade is a secret he keeps to himself. He will tell anyone who asks that he left High Rock because of 'political tensions', which probably means he assassinated the wrong target; High Rock is a place of constant strife and backstabbing, so that doesn't come as a big surprise. Lijah traveled to Cyrodiil a few years ago, before the return of the Dragons, seeking his fortune in a different business altogether. He has since made somewhat of a name for himself in the Cyrodiilian Heartland as an enterprising treasure hunter with a knack for creeping into ruins unseen and unheard. Lijah's skill with the bow and twin daggers, coupled with his almost preternatural ability to hide in the shadows, make him very dangerous in an ambush. However, he is very hesitant to go toe-to-toe with armored warriors and, if forced to defend himself, will rely on speed and agility to keep him alive until the right moment to deliver a critical strike. Outside of combat, Lijah is superficially charming and quick of wit, but he mirrors his fighting style in his interpersonal relationships; he avoids getting close to anyone. He left his old life behind in High Rock and traveled around a lot during his time in Cyrodiil, which essentially means Lijah has no friends.