Mark actually liked that fact that he had run away. Hed hardly ever gotten to leave his castle let alone the whole country! Mark was very much enjoying himself. He has a good bit of money left, but no food. He would need a job. Running was going great so far for him. Well, not 'great' but it could be alot worse. He could have gotten robbed, killed, or found out. Mark was enjoying himself greatly. Hed met alot of new people, but was having a bit of trouble making friends. That was not his fault however, Its just some people really disliked his kind or something of the short. Mark normally shurged those people off. But, he couldnt believe his luck. He pondered why he had not done this earlier. Mark smiled as he listened to the wonderful music. It was so upbeat and happy. Mark loved this music. The music he was used to back at the castle seemed like funeral music compared to this. Mark let out a small sigh and smiled more. He couldnt believe the things hed been missing out on as the prince. Being locked up in the castle all the time, Mark knew he was missing something but hed never guessed it be something as wonderful as this. Mark smiled even more when the woman talked to him, let alone a human woman. He honestly had expected the human to ignore him or shoo him off. When the woman looked at Mark, he blushed. The woman was angelic! Her skin tone was so soft looking.. Her eyes looked gentle and beautiful. She had the most amazing smile Mark had ever seen. Her clothes were not the best, but Mark could not possibly care less. He was enchanted by this glorious woman who had caught his eye. He smiled at her as his soft brown eyes looked into her soft blue eyes. Her voice sounded angelic. Maybe all humans wernt bad after all, and only some. Mark blushed a bit more. He smiled when he heard that shed barley gotten into town herself. He was a bit dissaponted, hed hoped to get someone who knew the town a bit but he did not complain. The woman.. Christiana. She had an amazingly beautiful name. Mark grinned. "Whats gotten me into town? Oh, Im merely a traveler. I plan on staying here for awhile, maybe get a job... I have a place not too far from here." Mark said. He thought about inviting her over. "Would you like to come by sometime?" He asked. Mark smiled warmly and gently at Christy. He tried to hide his blush and feelings, but to anyone who payed attention they could fairly easily know of his true feelings.