Dimitri could only sigh at Ryan's words, some people sought motivation from different things, and while he might not have agreed with Ryan's particular source, it was not up to him to judge what kept his classmate going. After entering the medbay and watching Molly's less than graceful transition to the bed, Dimitri fought back yet another wave of shame and chuckled at her thumbs up and thanks, "[b]Yeah. Sor- *ahem* no problem.[/b]". The moment Molly inquired about a nurse, one appeared in the form of a slightly older woman with greying hair and some slight wrinkles formed from years of frowning at children. The woman eyed both Dimitri and Molly with a raised eyebrow, "[i]Combat training?[/i]" she inquired to the cyborg as Molly seemed unfit to answer, "[b]Team building exercise.[/b]" he replied sheepishly. The nurse nodded knowingly with a sigh and pointed at Molly, "[b]I'm going to go ahead and assume she's the patient seeing as you're...well...[/b]", Dimitri held up a hand to stop her, "[b]No need to say it, I can fix myself. Right now however she could use some help, ma'am.[/b]". The nurse nodded and, after seeing all of the blood matting Molly's hair and eye gingerly checked the girl's head for injuries, sucking in a sharp breath as she saw the source of the blood, "[i]What on earth caused this?[/i]". Dimitri looked to the floor and cleared his throat, "[b]I uh...I head butted her during the class.[/b]". The cyborg kept his eyes on the ground as he could practically feel the nurse turn and try to glare a hole in him. "[i]Well there's a nasty looking gash on the back of her head. She may have a concussion and be in need of sutures, but I can't be certain until we clean up this blood and cut away some of her hair to get a better look. There's a sink with some fresh cloths behind you, soak a few of them in some warm water. I'll go grab the suture kit and some pain medication, perhaps even a cold compress. And you-[/i]" the nurse looked back at Molly and pointed at her, almost poking her in the nose with her finger, "[i]Try not to move anymore than you already have. I should've been sent to grab you instead of you getting up and walking here. I'll be right back.[/i]". As Dimitri got to work soaking the cloths, the nurse disappeared around a corner to fetch the supplies.