As Shiro ate his meal in silence, his eyes had a slightly glazed look to them. Not exactly paying attention to his surroundings as he stared blankly at the table in front of him. This was a common look he had whenever he stared off into space and started day dreaming. Only, in this case, he wasn't. He was intensely focused on how he could alter, improve, and upgrade his weapons. Carrying a cartridge belt with volatile Dust Ammunition was risky business. If he was to ever face off against an opponent smart enough to attack his ammo source, the ensuing explosion would be catastrophic. Dust isn't exactly the safest thing to use or the easiest for those who didn't know how to manipulate it. Dust-based ammunition was marginally safer and worlds easier to utilize, but can still be dangerous if misused. Contemplating how he could keep feeding Kladenets with rounds, yet remain efficient and safe, he wondered if he could possibly expand the internal magazine/speedloader in Perun. If he could quickly load his blade with Dust and keep relatively safe, he would be far more fluid in combat. Manually loading his blade wasn't hard, but it took precious seconds that he could use defending or attacking. The magazine within his shield had only just enough capacity for one rapid charge. He frowned. Most of these thoughts of how to improve his equipment and his battle style stemmed from his lackluster performance during the first period of class. While he had a blast during his match and enjoyed watching the following matches, afterward he couldn't help but feel inferior to some of his fellow students. Some of them had amazing weapons and far more powerful Semblances than he did. Looking back at his own fight with these thoughts in mind, he knew he could improve and get better. Just as his thoughts trailed off into a possible permanently inlaid Dust Crystal, such as with Abel's weapon, his nose crinkled. Sniffing at the air, he detected a faint familiar scent amidst the hundreds of others in the cafeteria. Returning to reality Shiro looked up and saw Sapphire, his team leader. She was sitting at another table with students from the other teams. Freezing in place, he couldn't help but feel a little hurt. I mean, it's not hard to miss Shiro. Not many others had white, silvery fur like his. Surely, she must have seen him. His expression sagged ever so slightly, his ears drooping. Sighing, he shrugged to himself. It was clear from their initial meeting that she didn't quite like him. She wasn't there to be any of their friends, just their leader. [i]"Tch.."[/i] Shiro couldn't help but feel a bit sour at her. But, in any case she was their leader. He would've liked to continue trying to make nice and get on friendlier terms with her, but he felt he shouldn't push it any further than he already had. Rather, he wouldn't waste his energy on trying for now. It would be easier make friends with others. He would respect her and give her the distance and space she seemed to want. It was then at that moment that his ears perked up and his nose sniffed, detecting yet another familiar scent. Only this time, it was a much more welcome one. Looking up, there was no missing the giant armor-clad student that was his partner. Gren had walked up and waved at him. His spirits instantly brightening, he enthusiastically waved back and flashed a bright grin in answer. [b][color=00a651]"Hello Kuhaku. Nice fight out there."[/color][/b] Gren said as he took his seat across from him. [i]"Beg to differ, y'big lug. I could've done much better."[/i] [b]"Aww, come on Gren. Just call me Shiro. But, hello to you too!"[/b] he waved the name away, as if to dismiss it. [b]"Same to you! Your fight was explosive!"[/b] He motioned and gestured with his arms mimicking an explosion. With added dramatic sound effects to go with it. [b]"Speaking of which, how's your arm? It looked like you took quite a beating. I could've sworn that it was nearly sawed-..."[/b] Leaning over the table to get a closer look, he frowned and furrowed his brows when he saw Gren's uninjured hand. Sniffing at it, it seemed rather odd. His thoughts were cut short, interrupted by Gren's actions. Shiro watched curiously as Gren opened a box to pull out a portable grill and set it on the table. When he pulled out a sealed bag and opened it, his nostrils caught the glorious scent of something marvelous. Immediately forgetting the meal he had nearly finished in front of him, he suddenly felt hungry again. Excited, Shiro's tail began to flit back and forth. Ever so curious as to what Gren brought for lunch today. [b][color=00a651]"How do you like your meat Kuhaku?"[/color][/b] He practically jumped out of his seat as he stood up and slammed his palms on the table, eyes gleaming brightly. [b]"Medium-Rare!"[/b] he essentially shouted. Gren had brought his own cooked lunch that was undeniably worlds better than whatever cuisine Beacon had for them. He had even brought some to share. [i]"What a pal!"[/i] he thought. Hell, Shiro even started purring. Well, it would've been considered purring if it weren't for how deep and bass the rumbling in his chest was.