Milo woke up in his room, Pooch his Mightyenna still asleep next to him on his bed. "Hey big man, you ready to walk around a bit? Can't be long before we get to shore." Pooch instantly kicked up, already moving to the door. "Alright brohan, guess you do want the fresh air," Milo said a light laughter in his voice. They explored the deck for a while watching the many a pokemon that lived in the ocean and in the sky. After their pokemon watching, Milo looked at a clock time for breakfast. "Hey Pooch, looks like we can go eat now." "[i]Might, Mighty, Might, Mightyenna[/i]" "Look man, food is food, just enjoy it while we got it. We gotta get back to making our own here pretty soon." "[i]Mighty[/i]" "Adda boy" So off they went to breakfast, just as Milo and Pooch settled in, in came another kid. This one though seemed a lot more... how do you say it, intent on getting food. "How you doing, buddy?" Milo asked the kid as he came in, since he was close to the door