[color=00FFFF]Janet was almost hyperventilating and turned to look at Rick and wrapped her arms around him her face pressed to his chest. "We *hick* have to* save Sam *hick*." She shaking at that point trying to calm down but nothing was working. She was far too up set at that point. "God.. I don't want you getting hurt ether for me. I can't take someone important to me getting hurt any more." She realized at that moment she had feelings for Rick, and that she also just let them spill out like it was a matter of fact. She honestly didn't care, and had more to worry about then her feelings being known.[/color] [color=2E8B57]Daryl sighed watching Janet embrace Rick. "God that woman has been thru enough." It wasn't his place to tell Lara what happened with Janet and Sam before the met up with the group, but he still felt she needed to understand that there was something there. "Anyway, we better get going and thank you for the help." [/color] [color=9966CC]Sam couldn't believe what was happening. Was this a trick or did he really want to help her. She kept her voice down just in case there was someone else around. "Why are you helping me. You're boss is a sick asshole." Sam gasped in pain from adjusting herself in the chair. "You also beat the shit out of Glenn, why should I believe you?"[/color] [color=DEB887]Milton thought quickly. "Umm I need you're help collecting some biters. After what happened last time you help me I'm feeling umm.. a bit jumpy with them. It will be just outside of Woodberry and the more hands the better I um think." Milton wasn't sure if she would just run away and if asked he couldn't help but tell the Governor what happend.[/color]