“Ooh! Saying someone is fat is rude too but you don’t think so”, Shu giggled, giving him a cheeky smile. Shu only had a little bit of his brother’s rudeness in him but he wasn’t going to get to his level and start insulting others and claim he did nothing wrong. Shu had pretty valid reasons for acting the way he did while Takeshi should know better, especially as Shu observed the outcome and only saw people acting aggressively towards some of the things Takeshi said. Shu was smart in how he could watch and learn, unlike Takeshi who made excuses. Giving his nose a rub he giggled a little, pressing his fingers together with a big smile on his face as he tried to understand what Takeshi was trying to tell him. “It’s not there for us? It keeps me safe, uh huh!” he nodded, shifting on his chair a little, “Fish there because they eat bugs! Bugs make me itchy sometimes so they eat them and make me not itchy. Fish are there for me! Although sometimes they big and bite then they not there for me, huh…ooh! Some fish! Not all fish! I should be careful not to get eaten”. T’charrl was a little worried about what was happening to him but was thankful that he had gotten over the impulse to eat others and was in near complete control. He still acted out a lot but not to the point where he wanted to chomp down on someone’s head. He still loved his fruit, but meat was definitely the most appealing foodstuff right now. He hoped his mother wouldn’t mind and hopefully she knew a little bit about what was possibly happening to him with his hunger, worried that he was going through a devourer-like state where it might become too much for him to control. Feeling all worried he looked back to his mother when she gave him an answer, finding that to be a much better answer than what he had previously been dreading. “So I’m just…I’m just growing up? This is all normal?” he asked, a little concerned with her wording but thought it was just a joke. Lowering his head a little he let out a sigh, rubbing his face. “I guess so, I just worry, is all. I’ve not been near another Kaesstrian for a while to ask…” He didn’t think his mother would be too enthusiastic with his idea but that was probably normal. There wasn’t a big problem with that, he had a strange power and people would probably want to stay out of the business of those who have the same power. It made him a little depressed whenever he thought about it though, especially when he had to deal with that attitude for most of his life until now. Giving his food a good staring at he nodded slightly before looking up to his mother, frowning a little. She didn’t sound too enthusiastic about his idea but then again she was probably a little afraid of them just like others would be too if they found out he could sap life energy and use it for his own doing. “I hoped you would understand. I just-…it was so easy thinking I’m the only one but now that I can travel, maybe there’s more people out there like me and think they’re alone too. Just knowing that there might be someone else out there with the same condition is good enough for me”. Viral would rather Yumi was her own person and not forced to take up a title that simply meant she felt sorry for his current situation. He wasn’t happy with her trying to isolate herself as well. He wasn’t the only one out there who was artificial so he didn’t feel that isolated, but being the only Beastman did have a negative effect on him when it came to his primal desire to be around more of his kind. There were a few aspects of his existence that his creators never did erase to make him the perfect killer, one of them being his desire to have contact with his own kind. He didn’t want to drag Yumi down into that lonely existence, she had plenty of people around her who could still identify with her. Staring into the energy he sighed as she went through the various aspects that made Humans what they are, finding a lot of the stuff to be fairly trivial. He thought that’s what most of them had and wanting more of it was certainly something, but then again maybe that was already something he was familiar with. He didn’t know what he wanted anymore, especially when he had such an uncertain future. “You don’t want a family that much? Or are you waiting to get back to Earth before you start thinking about that stuff…” he questioned her, not entirely sure why he was curious in the first place, “I understand…but I don’t know why I have to be subject to people’s focus all the time. Won’t you feel unfulfilled if you didn’t concern yourself with your other friends? Concentrating on one when you have so many others who you are forgetting about. If you believe I’m going to be fine, wouldn’t you want to spend time with them? The most appealing thing I’m doing is sitting here…all while Vegeta sits up by himself”.