Priscilla couldn't help but to blush as she got out of the arena. Wow, she couldn't believe that her fighting partner would have done that to her! Uhh, how mad was she at her! Darn her! Grrrrrr! Priscilla looked around now seeing Robert walking to her, her face turned red as he suddenly got up close. Yup, he saw what happened.... especially when she was raised upside down. "Look. If you are going to laugh at me or something. Get it over with. Seriously..! Alright?! Gosh!" the pink haired girl said shaking her head but then stopped seeing that Robert was actually there to comfort her.. he did ask if she was alright. "....I'm sorry.. I just thought you would laugh..." she said walking closer to Robert and laying her head on his shoulder. "How much did you look when I was upside dow-..!" now the bell rang. "Oh.." Priscilla sighed looking at the others, as they all headed to class. Robert and her team were there also. And she was sitting next to Daniel. Great. Now Math was ended and they had history. Then history was ended and now it was lunch time. -FI.NA.LLY- SOMETHING that Priscilla loves to do, eating. All she wanted to also do was remove the image of what happened to her in the fight. Priscilla walked to the line and grabbed herself a ham and cheese sandwhich, bannana and a bottle of water. She sat down on a table with her team looking at Daniel as he spoke. She shrugged. "Today was...whatever, I guess.." Priscilla didn't want to even speak about her fight, so she opened her bottle of water and took a sip.