[b]Name:[/b] Alrik Ironheart [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human (from Barukstaed, which I assumed had a Nordic influence to it.) [b]Class:[/b] Champion [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 6'4" with a build of pure, large muscle, he's quite the intimidating/comanding figure. He's got a strong face to mach, with a pronounced chin and large nose, thick eyebrows, and blue-grey eyes. A long scar runs diagonally alongside the bridge of his nose, just under his right eye, and down to the edge of his face. His long, dark hair is tied back, and keeps his face trimmed to a thick stubble. (Picture when I find one.) [b]Personality:[/b] Alrik is an example of the classic 'grizzly with a teddy bear underneath.' Despite his outward appearance and sometimes gruff mannerisms, he's a big old softie (especially for children). He isn't known for his intelligence (not to say he's dumb), though he's just short of a strategic genius. Those who know him personally remember him for his good humor and overall jolly-ness, and those who meet him on he battlefield remember him for his courage and the fervor with which he swings his mighty axe. He was raised with a particular set of values honoring family, honesty, hard work, and helping others. Definitely Lawful-Good. [hider=Brief Backstory:]Alrik wasn't a product of tragedy or nobility, like many other adventurers. He simply came from a poor family, and was raised alongside his younger twin sisters Ingrid and Astrid in a small house. His mother did their best to look after them all, while his father's health slowly declined. While he didn't die until many years later, there came a point where he just couldn't work any longer, and Alrik (now in his late teens) had to step up and provide for the family. They scraped by with the money he pulled in from odd jobs and mercenary work, and the family did much better once his sisters were of working age as well. Left with more time of his own, he entered a tournament in hopes that he would be noticed and elevate the family's social status. He was noticed, but for the wrong reason; he promptly got his ass kicked in the first round. As it would happen, a crudely-fashioned sword. wooden shield and shoddy technique weren’t going to cut it. Luckily, his attitude won over the other combatants in the games. He’d train with them when he could, and pick up the tab at the tavern that night, making him rather well-liked. He started putting away money from each job and fight until he could afford [i]real[/i] equipment that felt right in his hands: a battleaxe, and a large tower shield. With proper equipment and training, his performance in the arena increased until he was the single most celebrated -and skilled- fighter in the arena. His family was finally secured completely, and [i]that[/i] is what mattered most to him. Fast forward many years and stories later. Alrik and Astrid had sent a letter to their recently-married sister Ingrid. She married a wealthy businessman from Velt, coincidentally the son of one of her father’s old friends. At first, they thought that it had just been travelling slowly, but several months passed, still with no response. It was obvious that something was wrong, Ingrid would never just leave the family hanging. Alrik packed up his belongings and traveled to Velt himself, vowing to find his missing sister. He enjoys some small fame in his home city, standing as it's champion and sometimes diplomatic representative. He's a self-made man and a local hero, with a few stories to his name. The most famous of which, 'Alrik and the Frost Wyrm,' will be a story told for generations, though whether or not it's true remains to be seen. With a smile and a wink, all he'll say is "You had to be there, friend." [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] In addition to his heavy armor and thick black cloak, he carries a battleaxe and large tower shield, named Astrid and Ingrid (after his sisters) respectively. (Pictures when I find them.) [b]Abilities:[/b] With the heavy axe and tower shield, he's obviously not he most agile combatant, though his crushing blows are powerful. Basically the slow bruiser / mighty glacier with some party support thrown in.