Slow steps sounded down the hallway as Autumn carefully made her way towards the room she was told about. One of the nurses had been kind enough to show her the way ahead of time. Her usual black silk blindfold was tied around her eyes, no light seeping to her dangerous iris's. However, she was not entirely robbed of sight. She just saw differently than other people. Much like the echo-location a bat used, Autumn had similar abilities. However, she lacked the bat's talent of producing its own echo and so she had to make due with remembering the number of steps it took to get places. She was rather good at it now. As she moved forward her steps created blue and purple ripples in the darkness, items in a foot radius of the ripples appearing and so it helped aide her in her journey. One slender hand resting on the wall also provided assistance. The nurses had told her that something was being worked on that would emit a high-frequency sound that would use the bat's form of location and create a funnel of sound so she would be able to see a few feet in front of her. However, this was still long from being completed but she couldn't wait until it was. As she walked she had been counting in her head and when she came to the correct number she paused and felt around until she found the plate next to the door. Luckily, she had learned braille and so as she ran her small fingers over the raised bumps she smiled as A3-214 appeared until her touch. She then fumbled around for the doorknob, found it then twisted it and stepped inside. She hovered in the doorway, unsure of her surroundings. She didn't know if anyone was in the room thought she wasn't able to hear anything. [color=violet]"Hello?"[/color] She called, ripples appearing and allowing her to see a few chairs next to her. Still no people though. Was she the only one there?